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Posts posted by CMCiA

  1. I'm looking for some jeans that fit similar to a size 28 weird guy in deep indigo but are dyed lighter and fade better.

    After some long months with my deep indigo pair I'm not satisfied with how they faded or how dark they still are.

    I wish N&F made the WG cut in Natural Indigo. I think I'm going to have to look at other brands.

    Sounds like you're impatient. Though I do agree that the deep indigos are way too overdyed which is why they take longer to break in, but once most of that overdye is gone, it'll fade much faster. Give it a hot soak to get some of it out and keep wearing them.

    Personally, I've found that faster fading jeans don't last as long, and I'd rather have a pair of longer lasting, reliable jeans. For example, I started dry denim with the Nudie Dry Japans and they were hella faded within 4 months, but they also had some major rips started at 1 month.

    Maybe give the japan heritages a try. Or if you're so ready to jump brands, i'd recommend looking into sammies.

    edit: Also, I'd avoid the regular indigos, those fade much much slower.

  2. Wow, can't believe you sat in a hot bath with them on. That can't be healthy.

    That said, the look uncomfortable in the top block but good fit on the legs. True definition of how the shearers are supposed to fit.

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