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Posts posted by cord13

  1. allright cord,and now pronounce Kartoffel please and i dont want to hear any slip of the tongue,otherwise you will write " I shall not correct almostnice" 1000 times.

    actually, I took 3 years of German, however my teacher was about as worthless as they come. points for trying though?

  2. enough is enough,stop it now!

    Oh,thats so typical for all of you,as soon as the cat leaves the house the mice start to dance on the table! or should i say trample on my hurt feelings?

    and Vinneus: you where the last person i expected to stab me in the back!

    if you would have finished the wig you promised me long long ago,me and roy would still enjoying a fruitful relationship,shame on you!

    and rnr,enjoy your little victory as much as you can cause it will not last very long.

    this dirty dog will promise you the blue in the sky,but as soon as the first little problems appear he will drop you like a hot potatoe and jump on to the next one passing by.

    wonder who this will be?


  3. ^ vincent threw the rope down the well to help desmond!

    +rep for omniscience.

    edit: also, where the hell did jack's son come from?

  4. worked on my Stats/Bodybuilding project. weighed the 45Lb. plates to check the accuracy. got about 30 done today. got about 70 to go. sorry about cell pics.




    then after i grabbed a shower, I went to check out a job opportunity I heard about. turned out to be soliciting. I decided to pass.

  5. Lets get this thread talking ya'll! Favorite players? Mine is Max Seibald, dude's a beast.


    no real favorite player, but im rooting for big red to take it this year, after last years BS loss to cuse.

  6. ^no, I don't usually watch games on t.v. I want too, but i never know when they're on.

    won my last regular season game today. it was a 8-7 then their goalie got 3 simultaneous USCs and got ejected. the kid they replaced him with was completely baked. final score 13-7

  7. I almost started this thread a week ago.




    In black:


    Maverik Dynasty SP

    Harrow A3 EG

    STX G22 gloves

    nike speedlax II cleats


    Gait chaos w/ hard 10d

    warrior dolomite

    Today is my last HS game. hoping to play club at IU next year.

  8. Due to an unfortunate gain in muscle recently, I have to get rid of my custom selvage workshirts :(

    how do you unfortunately gain muscle? accidentally go to the gym every day?

  9. thanks giantsdrink, I am stoked to see your 67s as well. I remember the whiskering and combs were coming along really well on yours!

    2nd machine wash(with detergent) a couple weeks ago really brought some different shades out which I am loving the look of. I took a peek at the washing machine water and even 2nd time around the water was dark. Only bummer is that I have put on some weight since the contest started and these are feeling really tight so I might start another non contest pair of lvc and follow along with something new and bigger in the waist, lol...

    could you throw up the measurements on your pair? i've been thinking about getting a pair, but I have huge thighs. limits my selection quite a bit.

  10. does anyone have any good fit pics of the standard issue or any fade pics of any of the denim? i'm thinking i'm gonna pick up a pair in a couple months, and there just doesn't seem to be a lot of info on these.

  11. Anyhow , was messing around on ebay start of the week , ended up scoring these for £35 . A pair of the new Lee 101 range - model 101z . They just arrived a few hours ago . Having only seen pics before I wasnt sure what they would be like . Now Im a stickler for retro details , but these arent really pushed as a exact repro . Compared to the 1952/1966 models , the pockets sit to low , are a bit oversized , the badging is modern (had to remove the shittiest looking fake hair on hide tag you could ever see) I tweeked the shield back pocket stitching also and some of the stitching patterns are slightly different . The cut is quite good , the denim is sanforized , very dark indigo though not rigid or soft . Selvage is cool , looks great with a pair of black boots . Wouldnt pay the full retail , approx £120 but for £35 they will do nicely (probably for a while until I flog them lol !!!)

    Btw , marks are camera spots .



    can we get some fit pics and measurements?

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