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Posts posted by cLavin

  1. I'd imagine the vintage series is more towards my style while the regular series with the bigger whole pocket design would be a nice detail towards someone going for a street wear aesthetic.

    I'm a big fan of small understated details and visually inoffensive logo placement and sizing. In other words I would wear a plain hane's t shirt instead of a supreme t shirt, I see that logo and I just want to throw up in my mouth a little.

    If I am rambling about shit no one cares about just let me know ;)

  2. Roy since you posted I feel obligated to say a big fuck you for getting me to make you a cup of coffee then walking outside to enjoy the weather, I hope it rained on you by some stroke of bizarre Poseidon hate fury fate.

    As a side note, fuck all of you with cool jobs that you enjoy that pay you better than my obviously superior coffee slinger job. Eat a dick.

    -Calvin. (10)

  3. Fuck Kiya for owning self edge and his shitty looking shirts, Fuck Roy6 for living in my shitty city and having poorly fitting duck jackets only proper for the lowest of hooligans, fuck sidneylo for hanging out with all those no style asshats in his shitty book, fuck beatle for having shitty looking stacks on every pair of shitty jeans she owns, fuck youngpunch for winning shit no one even fucking wanted at the SUFUxSE raffle, fuck kiya again for getting us all those shitty tasting cupcakes, and fuck all you alden owners for buying those cheap ass boots that don't even fucking look cool.


  4. Ah my mistake, I misread him and saw this as a tour. Even still they would all end up destroyed within 1 year of heavy contest worthy wear (which may or may not end up giving us all nice pictures to look at) , boots or bust is still my standing opinion on the matter.

  5. I am not really seeing a point to this, perhaps a shoe that could build years of heavy wear and patina would be interesting if enough people wanted to join in with very close shoe sizes.

    As it currently stands chucks are nice shoes but they don't last very long, certainly not if they are being sent to multiple people who are trying to put as much wear into them as possible.

    I would suggest if you really want to get this idea to take off you should try a resole-able boot along the lines of alden, smokejumpers, whites, really any number of boots could work.

  6. Weekend warrior Skinny Guys, work doesn't allow jeans so they don't get as much love as they deserve. Excuse the picture quality just working with an iPhone right now.


    Fit pic


    Shitty combs and a wallet fade


    Knee fade and some whiskers saying hello.


    Close up of the wallet fade

  7. I knew I didn't sift through superculture enough.

    Zombies are quite possibly the coolest thing ever. I'm glad that you guys have been pointing people towards some good zombie movies. I didnt see it mentioned but I haven't read through the thread yet. Brain Dead (aka Dead Alive) made by Peter Jackson. Yes the guy who did lord of the rings. It definitely goes on my current top 10 zombie movies list.

  8. great ellipsis. Maybe for my next tattoo I will try to take careful notes on how to get myself repped on sufu... or I could just get the artwork that I like where I like it.

    abusus non tollit usum.

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