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Posts posted by bernieee

  1. anyone know where i can go to, to try retrosuperfuture's? i remmeber seeing a shop on queen st - the name escapes me and but they only had a couple styles iirc. thanks torontonians.

  2. mad suprised when the manager at nomad told me they had petite standards in black in my size i just had to cop.! and common project tournaments low whites are on sale right now if i remeber correctly he told me 30% off.

    edit: anyone catch haider ackermanns fall 2010 show at the ROM?

  3. Huge difference in quality between New Standards and MII Diors, you're asking? No, not really -- unremarkable construction, but sturdy. The differences between MIJ and MII are there, but not huge. MII has an ever-so-slightly lower rise, and an ever-so-slightly bigger leg opening. the MII does stretch more, and if you're a 26 NS, you'll want a 26 MII and 27 MIJ. FWIW, I prefer my MIJ and only wear my black MII for semi-formal occasions.

    thanks just a fyi i wasnt asking in quality difference between NS and MII diors, i was askin for a comparison between MII and MIJ. The rest of the post was helpful though, so ty.

  4. definitely not able to cut down the middle and make a vent, fabric would be mssing because where the fabric is cut u need extra fabric to fold it behind or it would be a raw edge. afaik it isnt possible to add a vent after the garment has been constructed without it looking tacky..

    e: unless if you had the whole back re-drafted. basically purchase fabric and then have someone remake the back enttirely.. which could cost a hefty amount and would rrequire a really experienced tailor. ( which would require taking apart the collar, sleeves.... basically almost remakeing the whole garment itself ) lol

    just stick with what you have; how awkard can it be? pics.?

  5. fuck so torn, i dont know whether or not to go for MII 19cm black in size 26 or not, or just wait for MIJs? is it a huge difference in the quality or what? i know the MIIs have a bigger top block and smaller hem was it? or the opposite and i know that the MIIs stretch more so i was wondering 26's in MII should fit if I can wear 26 NS right? any suggestions?

  6. first time customers using credit card will take quite a while. i received a tracking no. upon shipment of my order. shipment took 3 days for my 1st order.
    anyone know where can i still get a pair of dior homme black raw denim mij size 27, 28 other than LVR? cause its OOS currently :(

    cool thanks, i emailed LVR for a status update; apparently that my PRE-ORDER on my dior homme jeans mij sz 27, they won't be recieving shipment? So i got charged for a pair of jeans i won't be recieving. this sucks i was really looking forward to them too :(

    What fuckyeah1991 said :(

  7. another APC NS for you guys. Mine being size 26, owned for a year; worn 9 month or so. washed a handful of times in washing machine in cold and hot with tide. first wash was after 6 months. sorry if some of the pictures are blurry; i didnt focus properly, fail on my part. :( i noticed that the more you wash them after some good wear they progress better :D









  8. just wondeirng for those who have ordered from LVR. How long does it take for them to ship the item and when they do, do you recieve email/tracking #? and how long does it take to ship to canada? TIA guys.

  9. about to pull the trigger on some dior mijs from LVR, but im a 26 in apc, true waist 28" , what size should i be buying? 26? and if so do they carry 26? because the smallest size i see is 27. =/ TIA guys.

  10. dont know where else to ask this, but anyone know where i can cop dansk magazine? i stumbled across it when i was in sydney and indigo doesnt seem to carry it. smh. thanks guys.

    found a pair of repros for 20$, denime, size 29 from a vintage shop on queen and dufferin st if anyone wants to cop just a fyi.

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