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Posts posted by xerrox

  1. I built a gaming PC in July and it's pretty much just an Overwatch machine. I love the PC, but I've only put in like 60 hours into Overwatch so I guess I don't play video games nearly as much as I thought I did. Picked up FFXV though, pretty excited to get into a JRPG since that was basically my entire childhood.

  2. Old crappy wallet got lifted out of my coat pocket. All I carry is my credit card, drivers license, and metro transit card (which I never have to take out) so this works nicely



  3. From everything I've heard and read, it's a completely different city. The boundary for what's "safe" keeps pushing east. I've been here a year and a half and I've never lived anywhere where the fault lines of gentrification were so visually obvious (like cranes basically encircling public housing projects).


    Besides the obvious suspects of the Mall and museums (which are definitely worth doing), nothing really jumps to mind as "must-do". ESL is a lot of fun, which along with Saufhaus next door and Big Hunt down the street (dive bar) are probably the only decent bars around DuPont. It's a nice neighborhood but attracts a lot of suburban bros on the weekend. I always stop in at Kramerbooks around there, a book store with a bar and cafe attached (open til 1am and 3am on the weekends).  


    - Renwick Gallery is pretty cool although every single person will be trying to get a new profile picture or insta pic

    - Air and Space is probably the most popular Smithsonian museum. I like the Hirshhorn a lot and it doesn't take very long.

    - Some of the posts from 2012 mention Toki Underground being in a sketchy area...the neighborhood doesn't look like much but there are some fun spots and it's definitely getting better. Toki's good ramen (depending on where you're from), Maketto is a coffee shop/restaurant/clothing store basically across the street, I'm partial to Little Miss Whiskey's which is a dive-ish New Orleans themed bar. There's a beer garden around there I've heard good things about.

    - Good music venues: U Street Music Hall, Black Cat, 9:30 Club, DC9, Rock and Roll Hotel (also on H St and home to a shitshow dancefloor on the weekends), Flash for Euro DJs

    - U St and 14th St (they intersect) are kind of the go-to nightlife areas which apparently would have been unimaginable the last time you were here

    - Other decent bars around the U St/Shaw area: American Ice Company, All Souls, Satellite Room


    I realize that's like all nightlife or museums. I don't eat out that often so I don't have much in the way of food recommendations, though I've heard good things about 


    - Rasika is a fine-dining Indian place in Chinatown that's basically an institution

    - Rose's Luxury in Eastern Market area is supposedly really good but they don't take reservations so you have to wait in line at like 4pm

    - Masseria is a new prix-fixe Italian place around Union Market (which is nice enough in its own right), kind of tucked away next to a bunch of African and Asian wholesaler places

    - Fiola Mare is seafood in Georgetown

    - Thai Xing is a BYOB Thai place that's kind of pricy in an old rowhouse

    - Plugging Zenebech near Shaw/U St because it's an awesome hole in the wall Ethiopian place in a city full of Ethiopians. 

  4. I've had bad skin for a long time. I'm 24 and it's still not great (some pockmarks, dark skin so everything scars for a while etc) but one thing I find that actually works is the Aztec Clay mud. Skin looks and feels 10x better after a mask.

  5. I gave up on my HTC M8 and ordered an iPhone (first one). The phone used to be great, then Verizon put out an update and the battery life and performance went to complete shit. As far as I can tell, rooting the updated version is pretty much off the table too. 

  6. Yeah, I hear that. I've done a lot of psychedelics and the first go-round I realized that it could potentially go bad but it turned out to be awesome. This time it was more like...revealing of subconscious thoughts I had, I guess, because if you asked me four days ago if I was depressed I would say absolutely not, even if things are just kind of neutral. The trip itself wasn't very intense at all. It's more like thinking about it afterwards that has me re-evaluating things.

  7. Almost two years ago I took shrooms when I was depressed and it was like they opened the door to think in a positive way when I knew I was being irrational. Went through a rough patch for like a year, but then I got a job and moved to DC and I mean I guess everything is going fine but it's been like 6 months and I just feel like there's a huge something missing in my life. At the same time, the year before moving here was so bad that I've kind of become numb to everything.


    Cue this weekend, go up to NY and do shrooms again. This time, the trip itself was fine, but it's almost like it opened the door to be like "naaaahhhh ur going to soberly reflect on all these things wrong with your life" so needless to say the last few days have put me in a funk.


    The shrooms giveth, the shrooms taketh.

  8. To_Live_and_Die_in_L.A..jpg



    went and saw A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night after being reminded of it in this thread and discovering that it was playing near my house. I really enjoyed it, even if I didn't take much away from it at the end.

  9. dope. 


    i vaguely remember talking to djrajio when i was unemployed. he told me to keep grinding because even for a highly educated megaballer like him, it took months to find a job.  i think djrajio was unemployed for 10 months. i was unemployed for 5 months. 


    being unemployed is kind of fun for the first month or so. then you'll feel like walking through a dark tunnel with no light at the end. 


    it is my understanding that if you have a gap > 12 months, you are considered unemployable.


    another interesting aspect of life that many people don't realize that advanced degree holders (those who complete professional school) go unemployed. I know a number of law school grads who can't land a decent job and do some bullshit clerical work i.e. not working as an associate, or do "doc review".  


    it took me forever to get a job (actually crossed the 12 month mark) after graduating and running out of student visa time. one of your posts was actually really encouraging (enough so that I remember it a year+ later now) so thanks for that. definitely feel that no light at the end of the tunnel thing, but it really gives you perspective on life and the best laid plans etc etc. It was a miserable year but even just a few months later there are aspects where i'm like "oh i kinda miss that" or it wasn't allll bad. So lesson learned, always keep your head up.

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