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Posts posted by clover

  1. going along with the previous two posts, I've also experienced sleep paralysis.

    for me i just heard a bunch of voices and footsteps circling around my bed over and over. I didn't want to open my eyes to see what was "there" so i remember trying my hardes t to keep it shut. scary as fuck

  2. My apartment complex has a small "gym" for its residents, but it only has a smith machine to bench, squat, and so on.

    i've heard that using the smith machine to squat is actually more dangerous in terms of risking knee injuries, lower back injuries, etc. compared to using free weights and i was wondering if someone can clear that up for me.

    i apologize for this noobie question!

  3. .

    though your friend seems awkward as fuck (no offense), it sounds like he genuinely looks up to you. i mean, all my friends dress somewhat similarly and it's never bothered me that much. unless he's buying the exact piece of clothing you own, i would just chill for now and who knows? he might start doing his own thing.

  4. I hate when people fidget their legs; especially when they are on the computer with that drowsy ass look on their face.

    i hate ppl who fidget during an exam or something when im trying to fucking concentrate

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