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Posts posted by echau

  1. Mekkah I think you need to size down one, they shouldn't be that roomy, even pre-soak. See dkatz above, and aim for something like that.

    I think Mekkah's fit is just fine. Like iGIT said, it's a slim straight fit. Maybe he doesn't want nut-huggers...

    But yeah, to each his own...

  2. Fuck, the waist on mine is still too big after a soak. guess i'll have to soak again and put em in a dryer.

    I've actually never used a dryer before, anything i should know in the way of temperature settings/ not fucking up the patch when it comes to jeans?

    throw some towels in there. also, you might have to clean up the indigo left in your dryer afterwards.

  3. I was going to soak my pair when they come in, but this weekend looks like it's going to rain, so I might have to let them dry in my garage or wait until later in the week.

    I still plan on posting measurements pre- and post-soak. So if anyone's still on the edge about purchasing a size 33, I'll have that information for you soon.

    Might even have some fit pics too...

  4. alrite i was trying my best not to contribute to all the questions, complaints and general whiners in this thread... but.

    OMG, lyke, i ordered myne the DAY they came out and i still hasent received them yet!!! should i be getting worried that they're lost in the postal systems?? I live in Canada, maybe this could have something to do with the problem i have? Anyone else not get theirs yet that placed their order the DAYt hey got released? and i didnt even get them hemmed! arrrghasd;hfhuad

    I bought mine on release day and haven't gotten mine yet. Mine were being chainstitched though. I've already received shipping confirmation, and they should be coming in this Friday.

  5. As a note.. jeans get mailed out literally within an hour of the order coming in, if it's a sat/sun then they're picked up on Monday unless you live outside of the US in which case they're picked up EVERY day.

    If you get your jeans hemmed by us they're normally mailed out within 2 to 4 days, but considering we sold 150 pairs of the SAME jean in 48 hours we're little backed up, but not by much, only a few days. Which means if you ordered your jeans on the release day and they haven't been shipped yet then they're going out today or tomorrow.


    So if my jeans are being shipped today, they wouldn't be picked up by FedEx until Monday. Would I at least get a tracking number today, or some sort of update to know whether my jeans were actually done being hemmed? It'd be nice to at least have an update, as the status of my order is unchanged since last Saturday.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  6. yea i got em chainstiched. its just i was told by kiya that they were gonna be shipped on wed. or thurs. so i was freakin psyched to get em this week haha.

    it's just hard to keep my cool when i see people posting nice fits and all i can do is wait for these awesome jeans

    I was told by tomorrow at latest. Hopefully I'll get an email or an update then...

  7. yeah so to get the confusion out for all the idiots out there (including myself) kiya means hot soak as in run your tap on the hottest. not put in pot and on stove and boil. hot soak with hot water from bath or sink is enough correct?

    You are correct.

  8. Wait.. the hemmed scraps ARE included with the jeans right..? right? :|

    I thought the tailor (Doc Pop) uses the scraps to make wallets and other stuff...

    Anyways, after seeing all these pics, I'm getting more and more eager to get mine. Can't wait for them to come in!

  9. Need some opinions. Get true inseam or have some moderate stacking? 2-3" stacks?

    My true inseam is 32" so I wanted to get 34" after shrinking. I ordered a 36" inseam assuming it would shrink 2" after a hot soak.

    Can't wait to soak and wear. I'll post pics once they come in.

  10. since I've never had my jeans hemmed and chainstitched through self edge's service before, does anyone know approximately how long that takes?

    I was told that if you get them hemmed and chainstitched, they would be sent out within 6 days of your order.

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