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Posts posted by gettoasty

  1. social anxiety 


    at the checkout line in costco and see same girl at the cash register. quickly switch lanes even though it is 3 carts shorter. start having a minor headache. lips go dry. ears and cheeks starting warming up. 


    i felt sick walking around the warehouse with a sea of people at 1 hour before closing time.




    accidentally bumped an old lady in the ankle with my cart on the way out. sorry



    maude nibelungen cocoon sweater

    stephan schneider cardigan
    black target shirt probably
    maude nibelungen knit


    just curious but is that sweater new / recent?


    last time i was still chatting with her via gmail about an idea and MTO piece. she then kind of dropped off the face of the earth and I never heard back. she still knitting? 


    really nice sweater though, looks comfy

  3. rice


    it looks like sesame seeds


    cooked vegetables, poultry etc. I just sprinkle a little on my sides. My mom is telling me to try it in milk. I am guessing it's like pearls as the chia expands a bit when soaked. Doesn't sound appetizing. 


    fwiw my digestion has been better after taking like a supplement with food. for sensitive teeth like mine it may hurt when you bite as the chia can get stuck between you teeth/gums IME. 

  4. 15511263500_4676d1f737_b.jpg



    OHHHH... (I thought the black cap was a lens cover or something at first). She comes with a stand.  




    #swag stickers (will use Supreme stickers as bookmarks)




    "A Way of the Shadows" poster (I might frame this)




    Limited edition MUJI 'NY' tote, which will get A LOT of use. Thanks!




    Hand warmers to stay toasty  ;)




    ISAORA tee. Always wanted to pickup their tees, so, thanks for getting my feet wet. Will wear to the gym & out and about. 







    Overall the packages untrue sent are excellent. Although I have some exposure to the "otaku-related hobbies" everything here is foreign enough to really make this experience enjoyable. I felt like untrue put together a little bit of Japan's subculture and sent it my way, which I really appreciate as it is one place I'd like to visit in my lifetime. And FWIW I don't think you're weird, 'untrue'. If anything we have more in common than you think where the only maybe you are probably in it deeper than I am. If I am ever in your neck of the woods, I'd like to hang out and see what seems to be a massive of collection of more cool things. 



    (SUFU why you put photo limit per post??)

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