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Posts posted by cdgplus

  1. Good info. I've worn my New Standards for almost a year now with no wash (smell is fine and I'm in it for the SiCkEsT of sick fades) and despite this they are still not nearly as comfortable as my Acnes or even my MIJ Diors. For me there is a small nagging impulse to want to turn my APCs into 'regular comfy jeans' so I was wondering if a dryer would do that. I now am sure that they'd shrink irreversibly though (considering they are a whole five inches larger than tagged, yes five) so I won't go there. But still I'll probably conduct some experiments when they're ready to be scrapped for a new pair of Flatheads or something =) Again, thanks for the long replies, and screw you to the -rep haters.

  2. Would using a drying machine formerly-raw denim turn the denim soft like factory-prewashed denim? Would it continue to crease deeply? Would it still fade at all past where it was already at?

    How much would it shrink a pair of sanfordized/unsanfordized jeans in the waist and length? Would it then stretch back out or not?

    Thanks, I haven't seen any real discussion on this subject since no one wants to wreck their jeans to experiment. I'm just curious.

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