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Posts posted by ghettokids

  1. I'm in a religious cult. At first it wasn't a cult. NOW they say its the end times and we are getting closer to God. So they are all inclusive, and want to know about my whereabouts. They tell me not to make any moves, unless I run it past my minister. And if I do other wise, I'm listening to the devil.

    SUCKS big time cause I'm broke, stuck at home going to CC, and they meet in my Mom's crib in which I stay.

    Also sucks cause I don't have many friends, or a gf at the moment.

    My only hope is getting excepted to a near by university, and hauling ass!

    I'm also into art, fashion, and I want to try out acting which is straight up against their views. I feel trapped, but I will be free.

  2. ghettokids,

    you gotta factor in which brand you want yo get. if you go with canon, you should stick with canon unless you're filthy rich because in the future you would want to upgrade your lenses before upgrading your body. just thought i'd share that with you :) canon rebel xs is good enough for beginner, in terms of canon..

    ok cool.


  3. what wide-angle do you use? i was looking at the tokina 11-16 before but it's still mighty expensive when the 35mm does most of what i need it to do.

    no idea since i've never owned one but never confuse photo taking skills with the price of a camera. i think i've taken my best photos with a nikon d40 and the kit lense. and on the second day i got it.

    so basically any cam is good since I'm just starting out?

    Its so funny cause its like that MAC VS PC thing all over again. LOL!

  4. If you want to go full frame spend $200 more and get a 5D + 50 1.8 for 1200 something. What do you want to shoot with it? Do you need a high framerate?

    People + portraits.

    Mostly black and white, but still I want something with sharpness.


    I know this has been asked 100X before but.................I've just come into some money, and I'm looking for a cannon or nikon under $1,000 thats good for a beginner. What should I get, or be on the look out for?

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