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Posts posted by Our_Benefactors

  1. I hate rolling, too much of an hassle, but it's the easiest to hide from anyone. You guys all using bongs/ and pipes?

    Whats the difference between water pipe and bongs?

    "Water pipes" are what headshops often call their bongs for legal reasons... it's the same reason you might have seen signs in headshops that say stuff like "don't talk about anything illegal" and "if you don't know what something is called, don't guess, just POINT".

    If you meant water pipes as in bubblers, they're more portable but don't filter as much due to the smaller chamber and generally yield smaller hits.

  2. How does the fit of the xx005/007/010 fit to APCNS? I'm a 30 in new standards but would like something just slightly more relaxed in the thighs, how does this cut compare?

  3. I just purchased a pair of Rescues and soaked them in hot water for 2 hrs when i got home so they shrink in length. Is this initial soak going to affect fading when i start wearing them?

    Yeah, you're pretty much fucked. If you soak your jeans before wearing, they won't really fade at all. :(


  4. Ok, silly question but today my friend accidently split chinese jasmine tea all over a table today and my jeans copped most of it. there's no odour or visable stains but practically 3/4 of my left thigh and crotch area was doused in tea. Should I soak it or wear as is?

    Unless it bothers you, just wear it. But if anybody asks tell them that you washed ;)

  5. what do most of your parents think of you guys/gals smoking?

    its never really been an issue for me

    They know, and begrudgingly "allow" it. What I mean by this is I'm technically allowed to smoke in the house, because they're worried if they completely prohibit it I will have to go to sketchy places and be in contact with sketchy people. But if I get caught in the house, I still get in trouble. I just try not to think about the logic of it because it makes me :confused:

    tldr again: my parents are weird

  6. Don't need three pairs of jeans.

    APC New Standard Indigo, Tagged 30

    No wash, no soak

    Classroom wear for about 2 months, almost no fading.

    $100 CONUS

    Inseam: 36

    Thigh: 11.7

    Waist: 34





    Nudie Average Joe Dry Heavy

    No wash, one 20min cold soak

    Classroom wear for 2.5ish months

    Coin pocket circle, slight wallet and flashlight fades on back pockets.

    $110 CONUS

    Inseam: 34

    Thigh: 12

    Waist: 33






  7. i had the worst weed experience of my life 2 nights ago

    did some pretty rough bong hits throughout the night. at one point in time i took one that made me cough for several minutes and want to throw up. i ended up going to my tent and going to bed even though i was at a music festival with a bunch of bands i wanted to see. still felt like shit the next morning :(

    lol what a little bitch

    Jk, I had my own "fun" last night. So my friend and I had left the house to go smoke up at the elementary school a few blocks from my house (it was around midnight). When we come back, we go upstairs to get ice cream and my mom comes down, and starts saying stuff to me but I couldn't really understand her because 1. She was tired and 2. I was blazed. I guess I respond appropriately because she left pretty quickly. My friend then starts insisting that "she knows, we're fucked" and that what she was asking me was "Do you think I'm retarded?". So we go back into my basement to eat ice cream, play brawl, and watch MST3K when my dad decides to come down. Our dialogue is as follows:

    "Is everything ok here?"


    "Ok, it just seems like... nevermind, goodnight"

    So at this point I'm absolutely baffled as to what the fuck either of them are playing at, because I think if they had caught me they would have been a lot more forceful in their questions and stuff. It turns out that my mom was coming down to send my dad to bed because he was playing too much L4D and then my dad came downstairs to get a coke and was just trying to be helpful.

    tldr: My parents are weird

  8. I've also heard that filters take out more thc than they do other shit so you end up having to smoke more like you do with bongs etc etc. I don't know if that's true though, but I just use torn up magic cards anyways. At about 10 joints/card I should be good for several lifetimes.

  9. upload them to a different image host

    from any facebook picture that you post, anybody can literally find the girl's profile and message her in 10 seconds

    How does one do this?

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