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Posts posted by 原料かば

  1. These were taken about 1 month an a half ago, nothing has changed and they're not the best pics. these were in rotation for a couple months not super heavy wear but its something i guess. Last monday I starting using these as my work jeans so that should speed up the process

    Good Society -- Organic Indigo Dyed Slim Fit sz 34




  2. US rom leaked

    link us up foo

    took my brother to toys r us this weekend so he could get the free pokemon using the wifi?

    i thought that was pretty cool.

    that you physically had to go somewhere to "catch" a pokemon.

    until it reminded me how shitty toys r us has gotten since my childhood.

    so how many of them are there now, im going to need to get the guide shit too i dont even remember the types

    Try to buy it off a friend or something, I never trust used electronics.

    Toys R Us used to be bomb as shit.

    But now all the toys are weird as shit. Where is all the oldschool shit?

    used to be sweet, now its kindof depressing cuz it isnt as big as i remember (as a kid ya know).but each time i go i wanna buy one of those bigass super soaker

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