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Posts posted by Abattoir

  1. Who is you?

    You go there?

    I practically live there, i didn't know any other Sufu users ever used Benders as a second home like i do.

    i'm Brian, i don't go as a second home, mostly after rides.

    and usually only when will or tuula is working the bar. i'll be there this tuesday for sure though.

    edit: also, i'm new to SuFu, probably why you don't know me.

  2. yeah so, it's a bianchi superleggera.

    mid 80s, probably a 83'.

    does anyone know how much they run for?

    i kind of want to get an new pista, but i'm not sure if i should keep this one or sell it.

    any suggestions?


    thanks cure.

    keep it, rock it. don't fix it.

    seeing a perfectly good bike like this converted to a fixed gear makes me sad.

  3. don't think they will be tapered enough, and if you don't want to take risk you might take a look at the SEXIH03 cyclist. they are more expensive but they are designed for what you do every day

    they don't have my size, :(

    and i haven't heard anything about restocking.

  4. most bike shops will "fit" you for free, meaning, they will find out which size bike you should be riding, saddle height/position, bar height, . and probably stem length.

    a professional fit, dives WAY deeper, it deals with not only that, but tiny adjustments, like angles of your bars, brake lever positions, cleat adjustments, shoe fit, shims anywhere you'd need them. they'll replace your bars, bar tape, saddle, and trim shit you didn't think would need to be trimmed. most people that can charge $100+ for this service have been either doing it for years, or have taken very expensive classes for it.

    so for a simple fit, yea, measuring yourself and looking at charts works fine, but for a real fit, it's worth the money. i've worked in 2 different shops that offer 2 completely different types of "pro-fits" and one was way better than the other.

  5. these look and sound amazing.

    any idea how these would hold up to riding a track bike 8+ miles a day in the city? like... would the bottom of the right leg get caught in my damn chain and get ruined? or are they tapered enough that i wouldn't have to worry about that much?

  6. You're right, and to add to that, infrequent washing of the denim also makes crotch blow-outs more likely due to dirt build-up which breaks down the cotton fibers and also washing makes the denim softer and less abrasive against itself.
    im going to guess its caused by the thighs rubbing together and against the crotch area. my thighs dont touch when walking/longboarding and ive never had a problem with crotch blowouts

    cool, thanks guys, now i just gotta find the right pair of pants for riding... and then try to prevent crotch blowout...


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