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Posts posted by NAUSEA

  1. dont know her relation to OF but half of OF is in this vid

    and i love this song


    imagine how bad u have to be as a father to spawn this

    but i did lol @ the girl who looks like a thin mimi from the drew carey show ole piggy face

  2. come to think of it i do have a question about being falsely incontinent:

    has anyone ever taken magic mushrooms and felt like you've shit yourself and you keep checking to see if u had dookie drawers when it was all good? i'd wager there is a nerve signal thing going and and the wires coming from ur anus start firing off when they normally wouldn't, but that is all just conjecture

  3. i fucking hate seeing cheese commercials on tv. who are the ppl that don't know about cheese at this point or any other point since agrarian society happened. either ppl are gonna buy cheese or not at this point. cheese industry needs to spend that money making advancements in the cheese related sciences

  4. To companies/organizations/etc. who think it is a good idea to make a smartphone app:

    Ask urself: is my app just a glorified bookmark? Does it actually do anything that ppl will want to use? Or is it just a bunch of horseshit that no one asked for or wants but u paid some busted ass pseudoscience advertising firm and they told u this was the way to go?

  5. photo of dude in uncircumsized puppy penis jacket

    im a little bit of a hillbilly so it might just be me, but i don't see how u can function in normal society looking like you walked out of a nippon ichi rpg or whatever the fuck

  6. To ppl who make blocks of cheese:

    In the year 2011 can u plz find a way to make resealable packages so I don't have to wrap sran wrap over the end or use an elastic and a ziplock bag. I'd be willing to pay the extra dime or whatever

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