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Posts posted by ninetynine

  1. Got an awesome hook up for my current band. Fender (american), Gretsch and Orange for 1/2 price. Excited to pick up some new gear...

    Right now my main guitar is a 94 VG American Stratocaster (maple neck).

    My amp is a 97 mesa Dual Rectifier Tremoverb and a Marshall Mode 4 cab. I run through a Zvex box of rock as well as a Boss octave, Tuner and a Delay pedal (not boss).

  2. i like the first ones, info?

    The first pair of jeans (if I am correct) are the LVC "Nevada" pre wash. They are supposed to be an exact replica of the oldest known Levis to still exist today (older pairs were destroyed in some fire in San francisco), 1880's model found in a mineshaft in Nevada.

  3. I used Murrays a few days ago. I expected that shit to be a little difficult to wash out, but I did not expect it to fully wash out after 4 days. I liked the look, but shit, I can't handle having that much product on my head.

    Take a bit of olive oil in the shower with you, get your hair wet then rub the olive oil into it. After that wash your hair with dish soap.

    The olive oil causes whatever pomade you have in to loosen up, and makes it alot easier to wash out. The dish soap cuts the grease from the olive oil and the pomade.

  4. In my opinion, you should just have the second girl over. Unless the first girl has made it clear to you that she's interested in you. When I say clear I don't mean clear as in: she smiled at you or laughed at your jokes, I mean she basically made it known that you and her had some sort of special connection or what have you. Life is too short to sit around waiting on girls, especially girls you aren't even sure about... especially if you're 19.

  5. Ok, to switch it up a bit, if there is a look that you put together and like, how often do you wear it? would you wear it even the next day or within the same week?

    I haven't done that yet but I think I am going to start.

    I wear the same shit quite often, 4 times a week maybe.

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