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Posts posted by billsayers

  1. Just got a pair of 21cm Silver Selvage in size 27 but am not sure if the stacks look good with the wider legs. I got other 19cm cuts and never hemmed those as I liked the stacks on the slimmer legs.

    Anyone with the 21cm have any thoughts/opinions on whether to stack or to hem?

  2. I sincerely hope not.

    So last night I get a text from the 21 year old that I fucked a couple weeks ago asking if she can call me.

    At first I assumed it was because I hadn't met up with her since we fucked and she was pissed at me. But slowly I draw it out of her that she was just dumped from some 25 year old American guy she had been only dating for a month and how she tried so hard to make the relationship work but he decided to drop her. So she's a crazy wreck and I try to comfort her and make her feel better.

    So I'll probably just let it go...

    Let me get this straight, she JUST got dumped by a guy she was seeing for a month and you smashed her a couple of weeks ago.

    Now she is crying because she "tried so hard to make the relationship work?" Did she sleep with other guys to fortify her relationship with her BF?

    I say this girl has issues and you made the right call in letting her go.

  3. ^^

    nice concept but at least here in korea you can drink booze with the girls, stick your hand down their shirt and fuck them after some some karaoke.

    Nah man...that shit sound like a hostess bar or a nightclub...all of which are significantly more than $5/person. Besides, there are plenty of hostess bars in the L.A. area where you can get Japanese or Chinese/Taiwanese girls...you make it sound like Korea is the only country with hos.

    These Vietnamese cafes cost $5 for a cup of coffee and some iced tea. The key is to drink the free tea so the beezys will come back to fill your glass.

  4. Haha...I've been to that Vietnamese Cafe a few times. The girls are hot in a classless, plastic sort of way...boob jobs seem to be a job requirement. Generally speaking, Vietnamese girls tend to have the best legs among Asian girls and it is only enhanced by the stripper shoes the servers wear.

    Just don't go to the Vietnamese cafes on the weekends as shootings are a common occurrence on Friday/Saturday nights.

  5. In LA county, I always like Hermosa Beach...chill beach atmosphere and tons of bars/clubs at the pier.

    In Orange County, Newport Beach is pretty chills and the bars are pretty close by. Huntington Beach would be my second choice.

    If you want to go more south, Mission Beach in San Diego is a fun area and relatively close to the Gaslamp Quarter where there is a pretty poppin nightlife.

  6. If 36 is your true size then you should get a size 33 in ns's.

    You might want to try on both the 33 and 34 if possible.

    I have a couple of pairs of NS, one sized down 2 and the other 3. I generally like the fit of my sized-down 3 pair better but the sized-down 2 is a lot more comfortable to wear around and has less knee bulges.

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