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duck sauce

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Posts posted by duck sauce

  1. how much does this shit cost?

    edit: would like to know, xbox broke and need a cheaper alternative!

    i got my 1.6 with DoD for 15 but you can get 1.6 alone for 10

    or go the whole pakage(1.6, DoD, Source) for i think 30$

    imo DoD isn't worth it cuz ur just gonna be playin 1.6 the whole time. spray in DoD is too much of a wrist strain

  2. she is mooning the american flag!

    i wish i was that american flag because then id be smash so hard her

    All the sufu posters who constantly reply to pics of girls with "would smash so hard" or some other variation alluding to their masculine virility. When 9 times out of 10, they themselves are some meek, short nerd who wouldnt know his way around a woman without a wikipedia article.

    ur talking about the guy who started the sel gomez thread?

  3. cmon guys lets play!

    wheres server :(

    theres this [gs] server new york that im a reg at, have to check actual name and address first

    edit: [gS] lives ! New York >Recruiting<

    Dustopia -eF- [Dust2 and Dust] (its actually aim ak-colt)

    wuts ur steamid?

    loser gets banned, dont be a pussy

    i wonder, what do you really even risk if you get banned? its not like your account is worth anything.. the only thing it comes with is the possibility of a punch in the face from a few hundred people..

  4. Is someone scared?

    dawg, i dont play 1.6, never will again...and by "dust2, no bomb" i meant we'd play on dust2 w/o planting the bomb, kinda pointless to plant in 1v1

    holy crap i was loading the page and kodiak only had 5 red blocks. i almost shat my pants in disbeleif. then it finished loading, and once coming out of my stupor, i realized i was going to have to wash my jeans

  5. wtf is aim_ak-colt? we're talking source right, 1.6 is whack...dust2, no bomb

    (*sigh of releif, but noone heard that*)

    no, ive 1.6

    source is whack, its hitboxes are off, the place damage is taken vs actual visible body is different

    what the heck r u taling about no bomb. theres a bomb in 1.6...

    aim_ak-colt is like the most basic map- 2 sides, m4s on CT, aks on T, 2 blocks on each side, winner is determined by who can aim best- tactics are for the most part futile


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