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Posts posted by FACE

  1. And so endeth the SExDBxS09 contest

    DB's have been resting since my year ended a couple weeks ago. Broke them out today in celebration of the end of the contest, but they'll be relegated to occasional-wear status, since regular wear here means frequent wash mean they'd be threadbare in no time. And I want these suckers to last!


    NATO-issue uniform shirt. HAH! How the crap did this wind up in East Africa?? And it looks completely unworn!

    i think we all know "how"

  2. My girlfriend somehow managed to step on my skulls and the top button broke off. The button seems to have broken in half, and I can only find the bottom part. Does anyone have any solutions to this problem?

    I'm thinking possibly taking it somewhere and having them take a button off my old new cures to replace it.

    get rid of obese gf and go to a store that sells sewing supplies and get 2 piece buttons or maybe a tailor will toss you one for free like mine did.

    j/k on the gf think please dont - reg!

  3. May be a foolish question. But I understand SELF EDGE offers chainstitching, but do the brands you carry already chainstich from the beginning? Like my Dry Bones, is that a chain stitch on the leg opening? (fyi I don't know what a chain stitch looks like, only its effects/strengths on the denim after time)

  4. good fit on you, i hope you keep the cuff that size.

    do you usually soak while in your jeans tho? seems kinda uncomfortable

    yeah i kept the cuff later on. and I NO i usually don't do the tub soak w/ me in it. but when i received the jeans it was pretty much what i expected. good on the waist but tight on the thigh and this was PRE soak.

    So i assumed and maybe i should have asked for advice here, that if I hot soak maybe the denim would become looser? and only tighten while losing water/drying? I mean it they do fit better and not so tight on the hip. They actually fit comfy. Anything else before though i always soaked in the tub then sundried and wore after.

  5. I need a new pair of jeans because my 106BSP is nearing the end of it's life, i've now taken home two different jeans, soaked them, had them hemmed, and they're sitting in a pile, i actually might have to get the 106BSP again. I can have any jean but i want the same exact pair again, what the fuck.

    awwww woe is you :( psh yeah right! lolll

  6. just a minor update teaser on my upcoming post for my sexfh's... comingup on their 1 year 10 month owned time... (porlly like 1 year 5 months actual wear...)... but holes and stuff like none onther on them... i'm thinking of getting the mrepaired...)


    yoke is broken both sides and my back belt loop just got destroyed... anyone know any places that're cheap to send repairs??

    send to SELFEDGE homie, just gotta pay for shipping

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