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Posts posted by ygoldy

  1. Got mine (sz 30) a few days ago. Waist was spot on, but everything else was big and wide. Which is weird, b/c they should have been perfect based on SE measurements and previous jean buys.

    Warm soaked for 40 minutes.

    Jeans are still a bit loose - little hip flare on each side - but are wearable.

    Waist is snug now - I can do up all the buttons, but after wearing for a few hours, I feel some discomfort.

    Hoping the uncomfortable waist feeling will go away.

    Anyone else have an experience like this?

  2. any real cons to buying the "one wash"? BiG doesn't have my size on raw but they have my size on one wash for the xx005

    This is a good question: Are the "one wash" PBJs actually *washed* or just rinsed? In other words, will they fade like the raws, or will fades, combs, etc. be less visible (and harder to achieve)?

    Another point: According to the BiG Web site, a 29 XX-007 has a waist size of 30, while the raws are apparently shrink to fit — i.e., a size 30 will, post-soak, have a 30 waist.

    Does anyone else see how that doesn't add up?

    My sense is that a raw 30 wouldn't shrink from 32.5 in the waist down to 30 in a hot soak. That's a lot of shrinkage. But a 29 - inseam 31.5 pre-soak - might shrink below 30.

    Anyone have answers?

  3. Some updates.. still in Japan... flying back to SF in a few hours..

    -Real McCoys coming in two weeks including flight jackets, shirts, work-shirts, jeans, Lee Jeans and more..

    -The Flat Head mob has continued it's steady take over of Nagano, Japan (photos will not be believed)

    -Real Japan Blues jeans coming to Self Edge in December, unreal denim made of Zimbabwe cotton, two models, slim and straight

    -Iron Heart slim jeans pushed back to february or march

    -Some Flat Head shirts will be produced up to size 46 for Self Edge only starting March

    -Wild Child leather collection, produced by Flat Head, samples will be shown in late December

    -The SEXDBXS09 jean will be a nice time for all involved

    -Self Edge is "big in Japan", this is news to us

    Kiya: Are RJB slim jeans still on target for December. Pics?

  4. Can anyone give me an idea on what size I should be looking at for 007?

    I wear the following:

    Flat Head 1001 30

    Dry Bones Red-D 28

    SExSC02 29

    KMW 1980 29

    I'll probably want to soak (preferably hot/warm) before wearing, so need to keep in mind shrinkage. Also the BIG measurements post-soak seem to be in question.


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