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Posts posted by computurd

  1. Originally Posted by quackculture viewpost.gif

    Why is everyone so sensitive about their races. Its all good in the hood, so far the N word isnt used in a condescending tone. I welcome the racist stereotype comments. They make the other person look stupid half the time if you reply with a snarky comment.

    I am from Nigeria and I have heard it all. Funniest thing is most of them come from my fellow black brothers.

    Its not that I am that sensitive, its just the guys annoyed tone at me and how he said OVER HERE WE SAY blah blah blah. Just because I'm ethnic means im less Australian than he is and dont understand english or whatever he was assuming and was annoyed at? Even if I had the the personality of the biggest bogan I bet he still wouldve said that.

  2. Im not sure if he was being racist (give me your opinion, or am I just overreacting) because I HATE pulling the race card and I hate people who pull it out but this is the first time I think I have dealt with something close to it

    So I was there at the cafeteria at my TAFE (equivalent to your community college I think) about to go sit with some people I have class with. There wasnt enough chairs so I went to the next table to get a seat to take over and said to the guy sitting there (mustve been in his mid 40's and I think he was some sort of school organizer) 'Hey do you mind if I grab a chair :)'

    He then goes 'What was that?' Then I repeat 'Would you mind if I grab a seat or is someone sitting here' then he goes in an annoyed way 'Yeah go ahead take it but over here we say Can I BORROW the seat'

    After that he started just going on about all this crap like 'Do you even know what a boomerang is?' I looked at him all confused, turn to my friends with a what the heck is this guy on about look, To which they said just ignore him. He then is heckling me for a bit asking stuff like 'Can you understand me?' I turned to him and just said 'Dude I was born here' then he goes 'oh I thought you couldnt understand me cos you were just ignoring me' The only reason I was ignoring him was because I was put off by the random **** he was going about about like boomerangs.

    I mean seriously what was with that? Was it just because i said mind if I "grab" a chair instead of "borrow" a chair cos I was saying it in a polite friendly way. Im guessing if I was 'white' he most likely wouldnt have questioned what i said. Thats just how I talk and people in general talk casually, not everyone talks 100% proper, heck Im young and thats how a lot of young people talk.

  3. Sorry but another question, Whats the ideal stacking method?

    Just letting it bunch up where ever

    Evening it out throughout the leg or

    Pushing it towards the floor as much as possible

  4. Oh my I as just looking at the tag on my jeans, it says new cure "F" I got it form the womens section because of the sizing but I thought these were unisex

    How many buttons are new cures supposed to have?

    Also do they stretch a bit in the calf area? Maybe Im just not used to a slim leg

  5. Critique my fit guys, I sized down 2 like how everyone reccomends but I didnt really experience any problem buttoning it up (it was the smallest they had sz26 which I had to go to the womens section for, I normally wear 28 in other brands)

    Also theyre new cures, I wasnt too sure if I should go with NS because they seem to look quite big on people which I didnt really want. Do mine look like 'skinny jeans' or do they just look right ie. slim jean.

    Will the calf area and taper stretch a little or relax? Also would these look great with boots?

    Another thing, are new cures selvage? Think I need to hem them or does the stacking look fine

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