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Posts posted by semaj

  1. yup, finally a disc-less app!

    i've gone through like 4 of them, most of em get lost or scratched but the last one, the ps3 just stopped recognizing it.

    and speaking of connection, whats your guys up and down?


    my down usually goes all the way to 20++, but sometimes the provider caps it.

    i wish i had higher up so i can stream super crisp but whatever.

  2. I've been playing DOTA literally since the first week it came out. Can't wait for that shit to come out.

    same here, me, my cousins and friends would play late at night till the sun rose! we didn't have a vent server back then so we'd just conference call eachother with speakerphone on LOL. ohhh those were the days :)

    really stoked for DOATS DOS

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