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Posts posted by 6ixes&7evens

  1. I just wish Barack wasn't inheriting such a godawful fucking mess. He's got a hell of a job in front of him.

    Almost every president inherits a mess and if Barack Obama didn't he would only simply be remembered as the first black president instead of a great one.

  2. I had hamsters when I was 7.

    We received them from a family we were friendly with when they moved out of town.

    One was named AJ and the other Hamish. Within the second month of having them, they were already showing signs of insanity. Things came to a head when, after not chewing on anything for a week, AJ's tooth grew through his head. He didn't die, and we didn't notice (considering it was my brother and I who were responsible for them). Eventually, we went to clean their cages and found that AJ had died due to somehow rigging his food-bowl to fall from the second level of the cage on to him.

    About a month later, our neighbor Andre came over and wanted to play with Hamish. Hamish was a mean hamster, black with a white tail. Nasty temper. When Andre went to take him out of his cage, Hamish pissed himself and bit Andre, giving him a nice hamster bite in his finger.

    Later that same week, we come down in the morning to find Hamish impaled on the bars of his cage. Apparently he had chewed through the metal and the bit too hard and it went through his skull.

    That is the story of my two hamsters, AJ and Hamish.

    All my pets tend to kill themselves (save for my dog, who we gave away and who I dearly miss)

    I had 3 hamsters 2 male 1 female they used to fight each other to see who gets to rape the female hamster it was quite saddening to see as a child. :(

    atleast they looked cute doing it

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