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Posts posted by tvshooter

  1. wait wait- u said "this is from week one of shopping?" u mean there's more to come? how long u two gonna be out there? Fuck- I'd a blown all my cash the first 10 min of the festival!

    Haga- lookin good. i had to wear a pair of khakis to a memorial service today. first time in a long time. brought my FC's with me and changed afterwards. felt strange wearing non-denim. everyone at work was like "wow, you look niice." :rolleyes:

  2. tvshooter came through richmond with his lady to see a show. we had a little dinner, some beers and talked about denim.

    salaami was with us in spirit!


    ^ look at them thugs! we "posed" for this pic. u should see the other one! we'd have more pic's but i left my camera at home. Lendo left his camera at the house when we went out. thought we were cool till Danielle pulled out her camera at the restaurant and it wasn't working!?! we had a great time tho, food was superdelicious (Satan Taco's and the fresh berry pie ala mode was insane) and i brought along some denim for Lendo to check out, as well as, checking out his fine collection.

    now here's the cool part, and i don't know if this happens with other meet-ups-

    yes, we have the denimhead connection, blah, blah. in the short amount of time i discovered Lendo and I had alot of other similarities too. close in age, work history, music scene interests, family backrounds ect., now, i'm not sure if that's coincidence or evolution of the sum of our backrounds, but i found it fascinating that we had these same likenesses and tastes- which brings us back to our interest in denim. how did that evolve? no homo. < sayin first before someone gives us shit! :D

  3. i talked to Salaam on the phone last night and can tell you that he's extremely gracious and humble about everyone coming together. Lendo- like I said, if i could keep away from the desserts and beer for a little while and burn off the "dad" belly, I'd be hot soakin those bitches right now. still a possibility. . .

  4. hahaha. . .i was kiddin man! i ain't no six fo'. me more like 5'8-9ish. the internet has a way of makin ppl look larger tho, that was my point. but, if you're a 28 in the FC's, you MAY wanna get the 30's if ur lookin for a "looser" fit.

    I could go with my 33 (my FC's are 32, now stretched comfortably to 34) but a huge part of me is sayin that (my lazy ass part of me) that i ain't gettin any skinnier AND the Denime's. . .well you decide. . . take a look at my fit pic's. they're in my ad at the bottom.

  5. I think denim on denim works well if you're thoughtfull about it. Its a great blank canvas for accesssories.... You need a caramel colored belt, a red bandana, a crisp white oxford, and a brown cotton canvas jacket and you're set

    hold on. . .let me write this down. :)

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