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Posts posted by tvshooter

  1. you won't be disappointed dude. been wearing mine on and off for over a month. not much wear, pretty much look the same in the fit pic i posted a few pages back. denim is still cardboard-stiff-ish. jd- there's more differences between the tweed left field's and the BiG denim. i don't own the tweeds, but have handled them at the store. the tweed is exactly that, chunks of tweed. i think the unique thing about the BiG denim is the reverse spinning of the yarns which gives the outside face of the denim it's unique fuzz/hairy character.

  2. please send me your used tour jeans!

    tvshooters used tour jeans museum! Always real roughest tour jeans denim items wanted no matter how ugly, stained, with holes, dirty, filthy, unwashed or even never washed to rescue them and keep them alive for ever in this little denim heaven - they deserve it! Open to the public in the shittiest section of Portsmouth VA!

  3. ha thanks Rafa! couple of things happened. 1. i don't have a camera to use during the week for updates. a certain student is borrowing it. 2. i have some great jeans that i wanna spend time with more than these. 3. i'm gotta be boring you guys with my boring life! two tours just this year. i'm buuurnt.

  4. why not just pm Benny on facebook? i only bought the jeans from T5 cause at the time BiG wasn't carrying it. i prefer to do my denim biz with Gordon and it wasn't until after i made my purchase did BiG get a shipment of XX and 66XX. the contest was icing on the cake but i think at this point we have some great jeans and memories. if T5 had established a prize in the beginning, maybe we could hold a match up to their ass. not saying that's ok either.

    perhaps two year contests are too long? maybe there's too many contests? many people drop out and maybe the it gives the sponsor a way out. not sure if that would happen with Gordon and BiG contests, however, China is much further away from NYC.

  5. did some candy snatchin w the boy after work


    went to a show to see a couple of bands


    and with that, i'm retiring from jeans tour. if anybody wants these next, pm me. otherwise I will send or take them back to MF when I go out in Feb. i'd like to see someone else beat them up tho.

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