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Posts posted by hapsical

  1. Sandwich shops at lunchtime when people (usually women) get right in front of the display cabinets and then become totally paralysed by choice, standing there motionless for about three minutes getting right in the way and blocking everyone else.. HURRY UP, MAKE UP YOUR MIND it's only a matter of chicken or tuna.

  2. Got an email today from someone (10 years older than myself) who was seeking work experience/an internship at my blog...

    I haven't had the heart to reply yet explaining that, by virtue of being a blog, it is just me and my laptop.. their CV also had some pretty basic spelling errors :(

  3. I knew that shoplifting is epidemic in large chain stores, supermarkets etc. but I had sort of thought that people would have the decency not to steal from independent stores, where the livelihood of the owner is directly affected.. obviously overestimated the state of humanity... It's incredible how many young people (even from respectable backgrounds) think that shoplifting is not just perfectly acceptable, but also funny and something that's boast-worthy.

  4. Self-service check out in the supermarket.

    Useful for those buying haemorrhoid cream and Star Trek cereal, otherwise "UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA" oh no, not again, i just put my wallet down for a second SHUT UP!!

    Actually, you can be sure that if you were trying to make embarrassing purchases on the sly, the machine would start flashing and beeping and announce "ERROR - PLEASE AWAIT CUSTOMER SERVICE OPERATIVE"

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