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Posts posted by Chris-Craft

  1. i wish smoking weed would help me fall asleep :(

    im the same way, when i smoke i just cant seem to turn off my mind and fall asleep. its annoying sometimes, but like selaviso said, youre just awake and baked...which is nice.

    ^thats my boy.

    if i had to choose one or the other, sex or weed for the rest of my life, id side with the latter.

    you must be out yo damn mind, dino! sorry fellow stoners, but i would choose sex over you.

    dom: your pictures are inspirational. keep up the good work.

  2. ok so i have stopped smoking cigarettes (health reasons) since yesterday but i don't think i can give up on bud. Can bud once a week end or once every two weeks really do me any harm? ive never looked into the health effects of bud. basically would smoking bud once or twice a week really harm me during my lifetime?

    no. trust me, im a doctor :rolleyes:

  3. whyfor, may i ask? i've only smoked out of a volcano, so i don't have anything to measure it against. i've thought about getting a cheaper one though. can't remember the name, but there's one that's basically like a one-hitter that i was thinking about that got some decent reviews. the economy's down, and i'm all for conservation of dope if possible
    Vapor Brothers vapes are great, they are as good as volcanos imo. just because a volcano costs half a grand doesn't mean its better than the rest. a vapor brothers will cost about 150 bucks.
    LIES! I had a vapor bros and i sold it for a volcano. The volcano is sooooooo much better. The Vapor Bros would just take way too long to rip and by the time the bowl was done i wasn't even high anymore. Volcano is high volume, high... high

    you get what you pay for with vapes. plain and simple. volcanoes taste better, allow you to get the perfect temp for your weed, allow you the control you need to perfectly vape the entire bowl and maximize your weed, and hit better imo. seriously, i have hit a quite a few vapes and my day and NOTHING compares with a volcano.

    ya you can use hakko soldering irons... Anyone ever take some solar tokes? remember when you burnt ants with your magnifying glass when you were 3? Apply that to weed

    haha, solar blazing is where its at. nothing more satifying than going on a long/hard hike and solar blazing at the top of a mountain. shitty cell pics from a solar blaze hike a couple months ago:



    it had been raining for 20 minutes while we were hiking and as soon as we got to the top, the sun came out for us to solar blaze...the rainbow was a bonus :)

  4. what kind? i'm kinda looking for one to split with my roommates. volcano seems like the goal, but the funds aren't there yet

    its honestly not worth buying a non-volcano vape imo. just save up your money or donate semen. one is much more fun than the other.

  5. Truly a wristband to live by. You should check out the latest HST doco; Gonzo - The Life and Work of Hunter S Thompson. Some serious laughs.

    way ahead of you ;) gonzo was really well done. have you ever seen "breakfast with hunter"? i think it came out in '03, but theres this one scene that they actually show part of in gonzo where hunter flips out on the original directors of fear and loathing...shits priceless.



    the whole things on youtube if anyones interested.

  6. i dont know if i should smoke shroom roll or drop and the watch that video haha or all of the above?

    "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."

    -Hunter S. Thompson


  7. i have actually been mugged before...

    My girlfriend at the time and I were mugged in a parking lot in st. louis. Were about to get into my car and a guy comes up and says "give it up", and i just kind of had a perplexed look because i didnt realize right away what was happening. so he says "give me your money" as he pulls out a gun. So we gave him what cash we had, which was like $25 combined and then he watched us get in the car and drive off.

    I was damn scared as this was happening, and considering the guy had a gun im pretty sure giving up what little cash we had and staying safe was the best option.

    my confession: i was born and raised in Saint Louis, MO.

  8. That shit looks good...any details on it?

    Also' date=' are any of you ever deceived by looks sometimes? I got some supposed AK47 last night and at first I was disappointed. It didn't look that great, not too many trichs or pistils. Overall the quality just did not seem there for the price as I picked up from the same guy a few days ago and it was just picture perfect dense buds covered in trichs. Well I was surprised to say the least. I smoked a 1.5g blunt with 4 other people (we are all everyday smokers) and we were all ripped. It was very cerebral and trippy. Needless to say it was a pleasant surprise.[/quote']

    my roommate/dealer told me it was iNUGuration :rolleyes:

    seriously though, i have no idea what actual strain...just some everyday boulder dankness. im usually not interested in buying "strains" because 90% are complete bullshit in the midwest where i grew up. even out in colorado, most dealers never really know. the ones that do are few and far between because that means they know the grower personally. dealers usually just make up something catchy sounding shit and sometimes throw the word purp in it to try to jack up the price and charge the trustafarians 350 for an ounce.

  9. several azns died from heartattack when they saw jeep with shoes on bed

    i read this expecting a palindrome and was heartily disappointed. a series of numbers can be a palindrome too...i always look for them on digital clocks.

    edit: it also worries me that goatse no longer really bothers me.

  10. are nipple cripples as painful for girls as they are for guys?
    im guessing these are the euro equivalent of titty twisters or purple nirpples and ill also guess that yes they are. 'cept in sexual scenarios, then the pain turns to arousal and my branesploads, i still never like'em i dun think..

    dino pretty much hit the nail on the head.

    a little tweaking can build up arousal nicely, but over stimulation is unpleasant.



    would love to smash far left and farthest two on the right.

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