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Posts posted by Boston.

  1. I'm with dkatz, lets see some more updates on this page! there is a long way to go before 12 mos is up...

    Initially I hotsoaked without detergent and wore them wet until they dried, they were super tight so this allowed me to stretch them out enough to wear comfortably out of the house.

    After my Yosemite trip I took them into the tailor and they steam treated them or something...I don't really know but they weren't full dry cleaned nor washed. I only wore them after yosemite on a 45+ mile fixie ride at 9pm with the midnight riders in la (Culver City to Pershing Square Red Line and Up to Hansen Dam off the Noho redline stop) and then I washed them for only the second time.

    When I wash I use normal Tide detergent in fairly hard water (350ppm) from my tap in LA. I use cold water with normal rinse/spin cycles and treat jeans just like t-shirts but in their own load. hang or wear dry. i never use the dryer because i feel it takes a lot of the crispness out of the denim and reduces creasing. jeans are one thing I really don't think you should be careful in how you wash - one of the main reasons I buy high end raw and not just Levi's and the like is because I enjoy the different shades of blue/green/purple(i'm still hoping for these DB) and you only truly see that if you don't baby your jeans when washing them i feel like.

    That being said, I've torn seam holes in my dior 19cms after washing them in the above manner so your mileage may vary.

  2. what? i used the rotate function in lightroom...what is messed up?

    edit1: ohhh woah..hang on asec

    edit2: ha, i walked around to the other side to take that one, original is like it too.

    here's another close up post wash


  3. Much belated 4 month pics

    everybody's denim looks really good so far! much better than the other contests to be honest...

    pictures taken in the shade with no edits...but they still seem dark compared to others







  4. dude greasy why are you scared of grass stains? they def add character to the white after the indigo leaves. chill out and just wear um dude.

    anyways...some girl puked on my db jawns in sb - see this post

    long story short i had to wash them in less than two months but i didn't really do it right away cuz i had finals and other jawns to wear. i washed the DB the day before i left for yosemite backpacking because i wanted the 16oz weight in 50 degree days while backpacking. sounds crazy, but wearing jeans is actually the best thing you can do so your legs don't get fucked by low lying branches and twigs.

    so these DB spent a week with me in yosemite high country



    On my tent after Day 6...these held up for the most part except the back seam where my backpack was digging into them - which i didn't really know about until i saw this when i took them off


    Anyways they're at the tailor now so I can't take any better pictures, but a second wash (after the initial soak) and then i'll post some indirect sunlight photos showing the whiskers better

  5. haha, sorry, I was trying to make a joke. I ride to school with my jeans and will do the occasional neighborhood ride with them. But if I were to trek 100 miles, I wouldn't dare do it in jeans, especially now that it's summer.

    Wearing denim while biking drastically reduces the pain in my (straight) ass when I get off my bike. I have a nice Brooks saddle but when wearing shorts (unless they're dedicated cycling shorts) I always come off with a bad pain in my ass. No one wants to walk into work with cycling shorts on..

    I live in IV but bike to downtown santa barbara 5-6 days for work. It was only 3-4 but i got more hours now. Its 12 miles one way which totals to about 125-150 miles a week in denin thats not always these Dbones.

    guess i'll post some sort of update. not much going on though:






    These look nice dude!

  6. n62142521825810255506.jpg

    here is our first subject. she goes to ucsb.


    korny example a) white girl drinking sparks in her underwear.


    korny example B) running around naked through the streets of isla vista and posing with an open container ($350 fine) while doing it


    And the killer korn....peeing in my shower the next morning cuz she threw up in the toilet the night before


    but shhh don't tell she's got a boyfriend

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