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Posts posted by Boston.

  1. maybe another angle would have been beneficial, as from this perspective the large, bright window catches my eye then pushes me to the graffiti, which makes me assume is the main focus

    another angle might have been better to include that graffiti on the right yep. that twas actually the intention tho to focus on the light. the purposeful overexposure of everything outside was meant to offer a stark contrast to the desolate surroundings of the graffiti that you only see after the fact.

  2. ...lol.

    i copped it off this blog and certainly wasnt trying to say i wrote it..ya know cuz i made that video i posted too...i havent read thru this entire thread - here's where i gots it which you apparently got credit for but i didnt pay attn to when i posted cuz i had no idea it was affiliated with this here sufu - http://cosigned.blogspot.com/2008/06/are-you-corny-white-girl.html

    if anything, the fact that i coppied it should be testament to how fucking hilarious that shit is and i wanted people to keep coming up with more...

  3. When i look at your image Boston, Im automatically drawn to the largest graffiti on the right of the frame, so it kind of bothers me that the crop cuts off part of it

    sorry, no crop though. when i was composing it i wanted the broken pipes lower left in the frame so i sacrificed the grafitti over there.

    back to work tho sadly.



  4. personally, i don't carry papes on me because i figure, cop finds that. he pretty much know i'm smokin. only gives him more of an incentive to search my vehicle (we drive cars)

    however, much less likely to wanna waste time searchin me if he never finds anything in the first place ;)

    and i'm just talkin like a small onesie or a sneaker, they get gravity goin.

    dun gotta box up my whole car smellin like smoke, none a that.

    quick puff blows strrrraight to the dome

    this is exactly my sit, if i'm creeping thru downtown la in rush hour traffic, sparking up a j gets looks from everyone around me, they can all smell it, and who know's who's 5yo uptight PTA mom is bout to call in my license plate. dugout looks like a cig, hit it lke a cig you inhale and hold, then promptly light a cig right after. if a cop rolls me - i was always smoking a cig. i do this at concerts with more security than others, sporting events, during traffic, basically its entirely concealable and thats what i appreciate. its nice to walk down the middle of the street with a j and keep puffing and yes you CAN do this here in socal, but frankly i don't want to risk any legal action i don't have to - this is stupid logic to put yourself in the fire to the point where you're a sitting duck if caught without any measn to lie.you can't just toss a j on the ground when you get rolled and expect the cop not to see / smell it. plus it makes yo weed go 3x as far with a dugout / onezie cuz you smoke less for the same effect.

  5. out.php?i=1237_05.jpg






    ^^^ignore girl in middle





    yous corny if you answer yes to any of these. keep it going.

    1) Approximately 19 of your friends' names are variation of Katherine--Kate, Katie, Kathy , etc.
    2) You ever wore ugg boots with that multi-colored coach purse. For weeks at a time.
    3) You thought it was ok to wear pants that said "juicy" on your ass when you were 12.
    4) You sometimes make out with your friend Jen at parties for attention/free booze.
    5) You probably liked Jonathan Taylor Thomas and New Kids on the Block about 10 years ago. Then 90210 after that, and probably sex and the city now.
    6) I can see you and your friends belting out the words to that Backstreet Boys song with the windows rolled up when I pull up next to your X5 at the stop light.
    7) You think you're hot when you turn orange after tanning.
    8) You wear a hoodie with the name of your college and food stains on it to class.
    9) You've done the walk of shame so much you're not even ashamed anymore.
  6. ozone you seem to be posting a ton of stuff - use some discretion in which pictures you post up. in your first post today i really like this one

    as it is the strongest technically and composition wise - i'd urge you to explore the use of curves to edit more contrast into that black and white. it makes it pop more and would really set it apart. i love the repetition tho. also this one

    looks like it has potential compositionally, but the blacks are too dark and those shadows deter from the overall picture. with curves you would be able to maintain that darkness in the roots on the rock foreground left side but hopefully (depending on original exposure) be able to bring out some detail in those shadows underneath the rock. ideally if you had taken this with a higher aperture value such as f11 or even f22 - more detail would have been captured in those shadows.

    alf i really like what you've done with the textures except for the last one, but always be cognizant of the lines in the texture and make sure to frame them compositionally. for example i think if #1 had been taken at a dead on angle to the wall it would have been better, but i love the crack in #3 leading away from the perspective angle that you were with the wall when you took it.

    and one more scan from this shoot.


  7. when you are comparatively weighing a dugout vs a pipe, bong or zigzag papers i would argue a dugout would be the easiest to conceal in a pack fo smokes or the bushes nearbye when a cop rolled up than any other facilitator of smoking weed. for this reason and i get more mileage per 8th - i prefer a dugout unless smoking in groups of people where a j / l or bong is more appropriate.

  8. lol 123456789

    im seriously just trying to increase your ability and willing to offer my advice. if you're about to dismiss this as laughable then i'll refrain from responding - you're more than welcome to ignore my opinion if you like.

    boston very nice ! can you tell me at which focal length it was shot ?

    taken with a 20mm lens on medium format film

  9. straight up pipes use far less weed than j's if you're just smoking yourself. all you hardcore stoners - try buying a cigarette pipe aka sneak a toke and try smoking your normal amount for a week out of only that thing. your weed will last 3-4x as long as one hit rips so much harder and goes straight to your head. just trying to help you fellas on a budget out.

    and hopefully i can get a recommendation for a good glass shop online to buy a bubbler besides shivadas and grasscity.

  10. can anyone reccommend me a good bubbler to buy online? I want something relatively small (ie. not a 3 ft tall bong shaped like a bubbler) but i just broke mine. Durability of the glass > price but I'm not about to drop the same I could for a RooR bong either - i like art but functionality takes precedent. I've heard good things from Shivadas, but can't find anything at an adequate price there - any other recommendations from where you've bought online and can vouch for quality?

    Bubbler, bubbler, bubbler.

    ps. love the jlive quote in yo sig dom. made me play the song right now.

  11. im 6'1". and they were already hemmed.


    quit hating on cuffs.

    cuffs are cool sometimes, yours aint. sadly theres a difference between a 1" cuff for the purpose of avoiding getting caught in the chain drive of an old motorcycle and your 2 inch boat cuffs.

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