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Posts posted by asher_roslynn

  1. guitarist from acacia strain gave me a pack of their custom strings last night .12-.75 heavy as fuck. now tuned to drop g# (or aflat if you wanna be technical)

    hahaha rad. I don't play metal or anything, but I enjoy using Ernie Ball Not Even Slinkies tuned a full step down. I like the tone I get on my Fender TC90.

    On another random note, I pretty much got a free upgrade from my Blues Junior to a Hot Rod Deluxe; I sold the BJ for $350, and bought a Blues Deluxe for $350 haha. I really want a Matchless though, or some crazy boutique amp. Someday.

    Would anyone be interested in buying one of my old general guitar gadgets pedals? It's a compressor modeled after the Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer; I just don't use it.

    Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/asplashofcitrus/3970548095/in/set-72157622394428026/

  2. Hey guys is the Dior Homme Palladium Red Dry Selvage Jeans any good??

    the jeans is made in morocco, so its sounds a little strange to me, since Ive just heard bout MII and MIJ here..

    I mentioned this quite a while back, but I tried on some red selvedge made in Morocco 21cm at the Las Vegas Dior boutique in July, and they really aren't as bad as people made them out to be imo. They didn't smell at all, the fit was great, and was half off at around ~$150 or something like that. I would've gotten them if my friend's parents weren't in a rush to leave for the vacation though.

    As a reference point I've owned 19cm black raws for a year+ now and the quality on the red selvedge was well worth it for how cheap it was on sale at the time anyhow. Didn't exactly have the "raw" feel like the normal MIJ raws do when you first get them, but if I had the chance again I'd buy them.

  3. As much as the top block looks slightly weird to me, the length seems like it was tailor made just for you, without stacks. I like it more than I don't like it.

  4. Were the black petits a one season thing?

    Just asking because I cant seem to find them anywhere online and they arent on the main website.

    Didn't someone awhile back mention APC received the black raw material for petite standards from Dior black raws as b-stock or something? I dunno, could've been a rumor or something.

  5. Depends what point of reference you are starting from...you may already be grinding "finer". I am talking about grinding in a range only slightly courser than what you would use for pour-over, or automatic drip. A lot of people advocate grinding super super coarse for french press...like on a stepped shop grinder where Espresso is 1.5 and filter is 3-4, the "finer grind school" would grind at a 4.5 and the "traditional super-coarse advocates" would be on a 7. Hopefully that makes a little sense. Lately, my answer has been to not use the French Press but instead either use different pour-over methods, or the Eva Solo Cafe Solo, which is a nice alternative to the French Press.

    Also, just started using my new toy, the Hario Skerton hand grinder:


    It could definitely use some mods to help it deal with burr-float issues, but for 36 bucks, it is absolutely stunning, and I promise you that for the price of two pounds of nice coffee, having a grinder at home is the best thing you could ever do for your coffee making.

    That's definitely inspiring; I'm gonna look into that grinder. Other than that though, do you have any other recommendations for home grinders? I was looking into the $50 Burr Mill by CuisinArt:


    Yay ou Nay? I figured it was the cheapest I could find online that would provide even, coarse grounds. Then again I heard it doesn't last too terribly long...

  6. If you really are seeking the perfect french press cup, this is a great starting point:


    Some schools of thought favor a finer grind with a shorter brew time, but this will definitely set you in the right direction.

    Hm...if those who opt for the finer grind, how exactly do you use that with a french press? It'll just seep through. Hm.

  7. nth much to say but AGREED. out of the one qns i asked for fit pics betwwen 17.5cm and 19cm. only one kind soul did tt.

    So are we to acquiesce to your demand any time you want a picture? Next time just try Google images for 17.5/19cm, or start from the beginning of this thread; pictures aplenty.

    That demanding/ungrateful attitude is pretty ridiculous coming from someone who has only been a member here for less than a month with one green block btw.

    im pretty sure 19cms are only different from the knee down

    and yes, it's only different from the knee down; more of a 'slim straight' as opposed to the tapered 19cm.

  8. I just discovered this thread and now I want some french-pressed goodness like hXc, but it's 3:05am. But subcribed.

    and I just scored an 8oz Bodum press on eBay for $12, sweet!

    Though I've been using the store to grind my beans, and I attempted to get starbucks grounds since I don't have a grinder at home; I specifically told them coarse ground, and the "barista" dude even asked what kind of "filters" I used. I told him I use a french press. Come to find out I get home and it's finely ground. Fail.

    I'm still new to this french press though...any tips on how to make the perfect cup?

  9. Your body looks a bit thicker. I think that a looser cut would distribute your proportions better. Just my 2c tho. Those PS's look better than your NC's.

    I agree for those same reasons.

  10. fml. I went to the Dior store and saw a pair of black mij 21cm silver selvage raw jeans(long ass name) so i tried on em. The legs fit piff but i could not button up one single button. I looked at the tag and i though to myself, "i'm not looking to spend $365 on some jeans right now anyways." So i went outside to show my mother the crazy fit, and she was like " they're only 168." I was like "=]" then i showed her the buttons....then i was like "=[". Yea just thought i'd let you guys know how gay today was.

    If it don't fit, don't fret. You still have your money.

  11. so...what the heck happened to these jeans???

    hahaha wow, I totally forgot we had a tour and a thread about it. Dead honest.

    Again, can we just post pictures of our own black raws and pretend this is actually happening?

  12. Fit pics, first wear MIJ Sz30 21cm

    planning to wear low on waist, can't button up top button or clasp.

    i'm 6', 160lbs.


    i'm going for tragic's look/fit

    sorry for so many pics, just wanted to show every angle

    i think the size is fine, but i don't know if the leggings seem too big or not and if they'll settle nicely or flare out.

    you guys think i should get 19cm instead?

    I think you'd pull off either 19/21cm great. Just rock 'em and make 'em yours man.

  13. This is a bit unrelated, but I just got back from the Dior Boutique in Vegas and saw the red selvedge jeans; they weren't really bad at all in my opinion. Didn't smell, and were of decent quality. They were 50% off too, leaving it at around $140, and would've gotten them if my friends dad wasn't in a hurry to leave Vegas.

    It's a shame they didn't carry the gold sequin pants though, haha.

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