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Posts posted by andimgone

  1. Wow I haven't been SUFU in a hot minute and just came to this. Very intrigued. I run a 5k every other day as part of my workout before strength training and am interested in trying for my first half marathon. My bestfriend completed one and was out of work for four days after, so I'm naturally nervous.

    Is there anyone from Miami?

  2. ahahaha This thread is hilarious.

    I have to agree with someone said earlier. I would NEVER in a million years wear What James Is Wearing but I have to hand it to him. His style fits him very well and he is well dressed.

  3. and i never said that you mentioned that dh by hedi was the end alll b all (if you wanna get technical).

    i'm not taking shit seriously, you just sound like an idiot is all.

    balenciaga pants have usually ran smaller than dh denim, (if we were to equate euro to dh inches). so again what size did you try on in balenciaga which made your legs looka big and wack/etc. so again, what size did u try on???

    maybe you've got mutant legs? and if you wanna say a 30 size for ref, at least spit a label cause there are many kinds of 30's and many kinds of fits.

    if you are gonna say that "i think that the pieces itself are very reminiscent of collection (dh) i'v seen in the past," than would you pls provide this thread with pic of the specific pieces you are talking about and post them along side the balenciaga shit here?

    I have a 30 inch waist. That is what I am trying to say.I am athletic and my thighs are a little thick from soccer but I am still a pretty small guy I tried the pants on in 38 and 40 and neither did it for me.

  4. "looks like old hedi...blahx3," that is probably the most generic and pointless safe card constantly used on this forum. hedi slimane for dh is def not the end all b all.

    since when did balenciaga start using the inch sizing system?

    if you told all of us your sizing for a ref of comparison for balenciaga, then what euro size did you try on? what labels do you take in "30??"

    I never mentioned that Dior Homme by Hedi Slimane was the end all be all; I just think that the pieces itself are very reminiscent of collections I've seen in the past.

    You can't be taking it that seriously. I said 30 to point out that even with my small frame, those pants made my legs look very big and disproportionate. Of course I wear a different size in a European label, Japanese label, whatever. 30 is my pant size that I think most guys would understand what I'm saying.

  5. Aitor Throup is extremely talented and inspirations for his collections comes from the craziest places; but the prices are out of this world, and a lot of people's budget.

  6. This isn't all that great to be honest. Someone said it earlier but is right; a lot of this stuff does remind me of past Dior by Hedi Slimane collections. The only thing I kind of liked was the boots.

    A store near me sells the men's Balenciaga collection and it's not that great to me in person. The pants with the cargo pockets on the knee is really unflattering ( and I wear 30s) on me and a little impractical.

  7. Well for the most part I wear Sean John's Unforgivable (yes, you heard right) and girls REALLY REALLY like that scent on me for some reason. I guess it works well with my body.

    John Varvatos new scent Artisan is amazing but I only wear it once in a while. Only for dates and when I feel like I'm a baller.

    Umm...I forgot the name of it but Co-Op Barney's New York sells a really nice scent and it's only $50. And a Jo Malone just opened near me and they're known for mixing incredible scents together so I can't wait to hit that up when I save enough.

  8. Yeah as far as quality and wear, I swear by Earnest Sewn and I actually don't really have too many jeans that aren't. The Kyrre cut is the only cut I don't have and I'm looking hard for them. Miami sucks.

    Theromantics, why the hate?

  9. Man this is nice. If I were a girl, I'd jump all over that yellow sequin jacket.

    But I'm a liitle dissapointed though because he released that same hoodie a while ago in his King Tut/Money Rules the World collection a while ago, which I think is one of his dopest.





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