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Posts posted by Kregg

  1. Would hot soaked black Diors eventually stretch back out to as if they had never been soaked? Or are they permanently shrunken?


    They'll stretch back out, man. Come on.

  2. Haven't really changed anything, i quite like the background

    Had that one for awhile. Will probably go back to it. I never really tire of seeing it. Mac wallpapers are pretty decent to begin with.

  3. I hate people who refuse to get up early to enjoy a nice day. I love waking up early to smoke and then go biking or hiking (the former strictly solo ATM) or even things more along the lines of going shopping or getting breakfast/lunch. If it is for something that I enjoy, my attitude is pretty get up and go.

    Summertime, hit me up. I'll be up early. Toke toke toke.

  4. so who has the jeans right now?
    I believe technique was told to hold on to the jeans for a few more weeks as the next person (too lazy to look it up) wanted to hold it off due to trip restraints etc? In any event, we need to get this thing going...

    Fuck that, send them to a place holder. Or skip him.

  5. hai guys

    i want these imperial, it's really nice.

    i wear AJDS 29 and evisu kamome slim lot0005 size 30 ( it is really big for me especially in waist, it seems 32)...

    could u guys give me some advices for choosing the size ? and which type of imperial that suitable for me ( duke,king or shearer)??

    honestly i am short (169) and have a big thigh...


    Take measurements of jeans that fit well, compare them to the measurements at selfedge.com. Find the one that you would feel best about, and purchase.

  6. Even when nothing eventful happens, it's still nice to see pics and what not. It's not all about the jeans, it's pretty cool to see what you do on a day to day basis (no'homo) (with the jeans, of course).

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