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Posts posted by Orion

  1. been minute since I've chatted...

    Connecting to server...

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    Stranger: hi

    You: Hey.

    Stranger: what's up

    You: Not much...at work. Chillin. You?

    Stranger: n2m

    You: I have no idea what that means.

    You: wait. got it.

    You: I'm basically an idiot when it comes to internet "lingo".

    You: I just found out what "lulz" was.

    Stranger: okay

    You: okay.

    Stranger: where you from

    You: Cal, you?

    Stranger: chicago

    You: Not Brazil, huh? Seems like that's all I get.

    You: There's the fattest lady walking by outside right now... Heading into a restaurant. Jesus...

    You: For real, like 400+

    Stranger: :)

    You: Your responses aren't really keeping up with my dialogue.

    Stranger: sorry~~

    You: I can keep telling you about this fat lady if you want?

    Stranger: noooooooooope thanx haha

    Stranger: well nno offence, but im not that kjonda big fan of overweighted poeple

    Stranger: lol

    You: she's got that second belly that dropping over her genitals. The "fupa" if you will.

    You: that bitch is about to get a chili burger, I know it...

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  2. I'd love to see these kids (I use the term in reference to their intellect) on the receiving end of a good ol fashioned street beating.

    For real. This conversation almost requires it's own thread. My current favorite:


    "Koool beaner$!!!!! LOL!!!! We will have sumpn for every one this next comming season... Lyric is my son's name and his middle name is Passion. So I made this one strictly for the mc's....

    I push keys is for the Hustlers and the Keyboardist....

    Legal Dope Boy Fresh is for the colorful swag." (new sig material)

    "there's all kinds of companies that use Dope for thier clothing line....we just happened to be the most original"

    It gets better when they get into it over who gets to use the word dope in their "collection".

    and some other strong contenders for the worst.




  3. Thanks for the fit info. I kind of the expect the fit to be a bit different, but they said they could swap for the Marcello if I wasn't feeling it. I was hoping to find a pic of someone wearing them before ordering, but I guess it'll be a bit of a gamble. Thanks again.

  4. almost as much as I enjoy the lame script in your sig


    I'm about as computer illiterate as they come, I was amazed by this and had to do an IP check to see for sure. This is actually pretty clever.

    and SonicVoodoo is really old. But I keep seeing his rep going up, so at least he's got that going.

  5. Those OP X NDG frames really do look good. I just pulled the trigger on these guys from Blackbird:


    It seems like the Marcello has been really well received, but the matte black was kind of cool. I couldn't find a fit pic of the Joseph frame before ordering so I'm keeping my fingers crossed...measurements seem pretty wearable though.

    Side note, I kind of expected to get a pretentious attitude when calling Blackbird for info, but the girl I talked to was super nice. My first time ordering from them...will definitely do again.

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