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Posts posted by pieiskewl

  1. word. i still have my old red version, but sadly it's broken. it got mad glitched after doing the missing no. trick too many times. the one where you swim along side the edge of an island, then you run into missing no. and you dupe items. so you get mad rare candies. anyone do this in their old red/blue version? but the new pokemons are good for long ass car rides.

  2. damn. this thread makes me want a dog or cat. i have a potbelly pig. once i get a decent camera i'll post some pictures of Bo. He's 13 now. And blind in one eye. But, he's my piggy, so it's all good.

    EDIT: thanks for the rep. I'll get some pics up tomorrow. too dark out right now to take any pictures. and no i don't have any piglet pics =[ i got him when he was 4 years old, and the owners didn't have any piglet pictures of him. i got him http://rossmillfarm.com/ . Also if you live anywhere close to that farm go there. there's always pigs to play with, and piglets to see, so its more than worth it to go there. also the nicest people ever run the farm. and Bo lost his eye when he was a piglet, got kicked out by another of his littermates, because he was the runt.

  3. well if you're gonna be walking around with it a lot having a point and shoot is much more convienient

    hmm. yeah that is a point. and i think for that reason, a point and shoot might be better.

    I think I saw this at Costco for $220 iirc. It's a pretty damn good point and shoot, although if i were to get one I'd probably end up putting $400 into the Canon G10.


    looks nice. i'll have to head out to costco soon and see what they have at my store.

    also, just a general question. how much worse in quality of pictures is a really good point and shoot compared to a decent dslr?

  4. ha. sounds good. might make some when i have the house to myself for a bit. i don't know how much they stink up the oven. anyone got a recipie that they know works? if not i'll just google one.

    EDIT: just posted at the same time as you siq. thanks for the recipie man. you use it before? and i think i'll use nutella instead, it's pretty oily and does have a lot of saturated fats.

  5. are you looking for a dslr? you can find some older dslr's for that much but it'll be body only in most cases.

    maybe you'll wanna consider getting a higher end point and shoot?

    Whatever would be best. Is a low end dslr better than a high end point and shoot? Basically, whatever the best camera I can buy for under $300 is fine with me. If that's a dslr cool. If that's a point and shoot cool.

  6. word. if i ever get famous im going to carry a steel glasses case in my pocket too. block them bullets. and also the fact that he didnt rape the whole native american population and form the trail of tears.

    also this:


  7. noob question here. but I need to get a nice camera, one that can really shoot anything. something to last at least 3 years. looking to spend under $300. can anyone recommend anything for that price? I'm not really sure, what I should purchase or anything.

  8. well dino the thing is, people can just water the shit down. and even if you take like say 3 blotters, you might still be getting very little LSD, but enough for minor effects. or maybe it was just that

  9. Teddy Roosevelt. He's a real man. Also he didn't fail policy wise in office like Jackson did. Jackson did nothing to stop secession, if anything he promoted it. Also, he ruined America financially. Teddy Roosevelt on the other hand, not only went hunting and on expeditions killing elephants. He beat out his asthma and sickness by working out and being a man. He was also the first president to leave the country. Allowed the Panama Canal to be made. Created major reforms in America. Busted Trusts. And had a really fucking nice moustache.

  10. anyone else out here who has been smoking salvia recently? i just want to compare you findings to mine. My trips have all been linked, and very introspective. Still deciphering them. I do find though at the onset, my motions become extremely blocky, like my body is moving through multiple dimensional planes. Then I can't tell if I'm having OEVs or CEVs. My eyes seem to be fluttering. I'll post trip findings, if anyone is interested. At the end, my legs feel really fucking weird. I end up pacing back and forth for a good 15 min. because my legs feel like they are existing somewhere else. Only way I can think to describe it is like I'm in a mech suit and my legs are moving without my upper body moving with them. My legs aren't gone I know they are somewhere, they just aren't attached to my body. Also things in my body vibrate, like a really intense body high you would get from smoking weed. Anyone else experience anything remotely similar to this? I'm also down to answer any questions anyone has about salvia.

  11. Never tried psychedelics, but I've had a strong urge to explore. I want to let my mind completely go, but scared that I may not be able to and then I'll come out with a bad trip...dunno the mind is a crazy mofo

    I would not recommend you take some then. If you feel any insecurities about the trip at all, it will ruin it for you. Your emotions at the time play a huge role in determining the experience. Basically if you're feeling good about everything, things will be good. But, if you're even somewhat worried, things will be terrible.

  12. yesterday i was supposed to hang out with this girl, she's nice and I was looking forward to just chilling at a park with her. then she calls me and is like i don't have a ride, and i'm like maybe i can give you one (this is at like 1) then she says, well i'll call you once i get home. i'm in town right now (so she;s like 30 min. from her house). she doesn't call for like 3 hours, so i just call up a friend and chill with him. then she calls me at 4.45 after i already told a friend to come over and chill. it was akward. so i made up an excuse about how i can't give her a ride. i felt like an asshole. anyone else get stuck in these situations where you end up making plans with two people, because you think one flaked

  13. First I loled at the kid, then I got pissed. Then I got pissed at all the idiot commenters.

    agreed. those comments made me rage.

    ones like, "he ain't your average dumb criminal. somebody in the fashion world needs to take this kid under his wing, basically adopting him.

    and a judge needs to sentence him to working in a fashion house and clothing stores, and going to college to learn the workings of the fashion world. he obviously loves this stuff. it would be a shame for him to be another victim of the system (even if he is his own best enemy). but does a kid this intelligent, with this potential really need to be behind bars?"

    rage of a thousand suns.

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