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Posts posted by spaceknight

  1. I recently did a 20 min cold soak on my 29 apc NS and they kinda got really stiff and shrunk quite a bit. On one hand, it got rid of my knee buldge which I'm quite happy about, on the other hand my honey combs almost all got straightened out and I hate the really stiff look. Was this suppose to happen with a soak lol?

  2. I was wondering if someone could give me some comments on my 30 New Cures. I'm normally around a 30-31 waist. I've worn them for about a month about 35 hours a week or so. They are still a bit tight in the thighs and waist and I think it makes it look kinda awkward. Any idea if they will stretch much more?



    Sorry about linking to pics and poor quality, but I couldn't upload them for some reason directly. And the flash in the mirror screwed the last pic up, so I had to turn it off.

  3. I just recently got my 30 NC's in and it seems a bit tight in the thighs and calves. The waist is not bad but a bit uncomfortable, though that should stretch a bit. =/ It kinda gives off the emo look and they don't go great with my shoes right now. I was wondering what are some good ways to stretch them out in anyway possible? Right now I'm wearing some track pants underneath em and plan to sleep in them. Will this idea work? =o Thanks for any replies

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