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Posts posted by matt0

  1. So i'm looking for a new pair of raw denim - My first was levi 501 stfs and i now have apc new standards. I'm getting bored of the skinny fit and want something that's gonna last me longer!

    my APC fit -



    I find from the side they just look way to skinny for my liking and I would like a fit something along the lines of this (these are just cheap from topman)



    Any recommendations on a pair of jeans that will last longer than my apcs, but will still fade fell and fit similar (maybe even slightly baggier) to the above? I was considering levi 501 1947s?

    Thanks sufu :)

  2. Brand new APC new standards, got them in today, size 27, sized down 2. I had bought size 26 before but could only do up 1 and at a push, 2 buttons so I got size 27 instead and can button them up, they're abit tight but okay.







  3. I recieved a pair of sz26 new standards through the post today from APC.fr, however they are just wayyyy too tight. I want to exchange them for the sz27. I got a returns form with the jeans and it has 3 sections, 'items returned', 'items requested for exchange' and 'remarks and reason for return' and an extra bit at the bottom for credit card details (I assume that's if you want your money back. I put my jeans in the items requested for exchange section but i'm not sure if I should put that I want a sz27 instead in the 'reasons' section? Or should I just put it in the items returned section, get my money back then re-buy?

  4. I recieved a pair of sz26 new standards through the post today from APC.fr, however they are just wayyyy too tight. I want to exchange them for the sz27. I got a returns form with the jeans and it has 3 sections, 'items returned', 'items requested for exchange' and 'remarks and reason for return' and an extra bit at the bottom for credit card details (I assume that's if you want your money back. I put my jeans in the items requested for exchange section but i'm not sure if I should put that I want a sz27 instead in the 'reasons' section? Or should I just put it in the items returned section, get my money back then re-buy?

  5. Those look really bad. I can't say for certain that they'll stretch enough, but I'd recommend going up at least one size. It sort of looks like you've got around 3 or 4 inches to go. I don't think APCs will stretch that much that easily. Unfortunately, with your apparently skinny legs, it's still gonna end up looking baggy throughout the legs and tight at the waist if you size up. You could also try pulling up your pants a bit as it might not work sagging that low right off the bat. I'd seriously consider the other person's recommendation of trying out New Cures. Maybe even Petit Standards.

    I'm going to return these, I might get new standards 1 size bigger...why do you recommend new cures? I don't want a skinny fit, more slim-straight.

  6. I don't want new cures, I wanted new standards because I didn't want them skin tight after stretching. Are these going to stretch out okay?

  7. Brand new APC NS sized down 3, I can only do 1 and just about get the 2nd button. These unbelievably tight, are they gonna stretch out or should i exchange them?



  8. Oh great. I ordered on friday confirming my order, do they send you another email to say that it has been shipped? I wouldn't expect them to ship on the weekend obviously so hopefully monday or tuesday! :)

  9. Need some sizing advice for new standards. I'm not sure whether to size down 2 or 3. I'm 5'7, my true waist (just below my belly button is 29") and my thigh at the thickest point is 18" around. I'm looking for slim-ish but NOT skinny fit, however I don't want to end up with a really baggy waist due to stretching. Should I buy the 26 or 27?

  10. Need some sizing advice for new standards. I'm not sure whether to size down 2 or 3. I'm 5'7, my true waist (just below my belly button is 29") and my thigh at the thickest point is 18" around. I'm looking for slim-ish but NOT skinny fit, however I don't want to end up with a really baggy waist due to stretching. Should I buy the 26 or 27?

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