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Francis Xavier

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Posts posted by Francis Xavier

  1. The look is somewhat contrived looking, but at the same time it's very common. I don't think that either deserve to be on here. If the first gentleman wore a smarter, more sophisticated brown shoe then that look would be pretty spot on.

  2. As long as they're doodles you do and/or they're of cool stuff like battle axes, ants, airplanes, viking stuff, dead women, women dying, and women getting dead, they're cool.

  3. She sounds like a class act, then. So is this girl. She so kind and sweet. Extraordinarily attractive on top of that, which is strange because she's not stuck up or mean at all. In fact, she never picks on people, is never catty, and never talks badly about people. She's just wonderful. Her lame boyfriend seems to be the luckiest guy on the planet... :(

  4. Francis I just did that exact thing Friday night. Almost the exact same situation (she has a BF, we're in class together etc.)

    Didn't mean to tell her but it happened somehow, and I guess it was good to do it, and she was really supportive, but when she said "Well I understand but I can never return it because I have a boyfriend" it really question whether it was worth it.

    Are things weird between you two now?

  5. Exactly. She must suspect how I feel, and I don't want it to seem like I set up this big coming out party that she's forced to comply with only to have to tell me that she doesn't feel the same way.

    Photobucket keeps deleting people's porn, but I've had crazy-funny gay porn on mine for years now and they've never deleted it...


  6. Now I just need to find a way to get her alone.

    I almost feel as though this needs to be done bit by bit, like a process.

    I'll cut her up into little pieces and reanimate her as my frankenwife.

  7. francis, approach it, really... ambiguously!

    you're bi-curious? want some of francis milk?

    things that happen, well use this regret to build future castles. can't play in ruins all the time.. we put them in museum to learn from them, its their purpose. :o

    One day, I'm just going to grab her face and suck her brain out. Francis milk never sours, btw.


    I had a girl break my heart once when I was pretty young. She contacted me and it actually gave me goosebumps. It had been a very long time. Those feelings rarely subside completely.

  8. Francis - her scent lingers. I don't feel like cleaning my room cause of it.

    drives you nutssssssssssssssssssssssssss, right?

    Oh god, when I would have to whisper something to her, I would make sure to savor the flavor. I want her pheromones in candle form. If I can't have her... I'LL KILL HER!

    Well this is where it gets even more complicated, she's bisexual and up until about a year ago she basically refused to talk about it and I actually had "guessed/assumed" she was a lesbian. We met at uni and for the first 18 months she was dating a girl who she roomed with (although I wasn't supposed to realise this) and I had a gf. She doesn't talk about relationships much but she will ask someone out if she likes them. I'm certain she liked me when we first met but neither of us did anything about it and then we both ended up in relationships, I think now we're permanently in the friendzone.

    Perma-freeze. Another good point. I'm afraid of that happening here...

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