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Posts posted by anticombs

  1. Does anyone know which jean would slimmer - The FH F310's or 5010xx's? I currently have a pair of the F310's and am looking to buy either the 5010xx or the 5507xx but I want more of a looser fit. Not too loose, but just a bit more relaxed than the F310's.

  2. I too was once faced with this dilemma. For my first purchase i went with a custom model Lost Worlds leather jacket in Horsehide. I ordered it in my true chest size, 38, and was disgusted with the traditional fit. The shoulders were way to broad and the sleeves were too large for my slender physique. On top of that the horsehide was way to thick for comfortable wear. I quickly sold it and recouped most of the cost, and learned a lot. I shopped around a bit and tried an H&M leather jacket (which fit well but was made of substandard quality leather), but later opted for a Golden Goose one. Its top quality and fits magnificently. The body is short and the sleeves a tad long. The leather they use is a thick and high quality cowhide, but because its been processed and worked its a million times softer and more comfortable to wear in an everyday context.

    Bottom line is, don't stress about what is "classic" or "authentic". Go for a more pragmatic purchase--something which suits your specific needs. If you're not going to be riding a motorcycle or anything which might require similar protection, don't bother buying Horsehide--it's just a waste and won't make you any more masculine. If you wan't something that just looks great get a RO leather jacket, Giorgio Brato, or a GG like me. They are tailored 1000 times better and wont make you look like you're trying too hard to "keep it real".

    Thank you very much for the reply. It is very useful and hopefully will help me along my journey of finding the perfect jacket.

  3. All very good replies. Thankyou very much. I will definately look into the H & M jacket, that sounds like a very good idea.

    And to Paid Vacation, I understand that whole thing thats why I am not looking for a very expensive jacket but a cheaper one that can serve me while I am young. The advice is appreciated, thanks.

  4. With the most recent GQ having an article on how to buy a leather jacket, I have become very interested in buying a leather jacket for myself. And since seeing as everyone here is very knowledgeable in fashion, it only makes sense to come here and ask for help. If you guys have any tips or anything like that on where/how/what brands to shop for/what details to look for. The article is located here....


    Some of these jackets are beautiful, I am looking for a more modern, slim and sleek look. Feel free to post any pictures you guys may have of your own jackets also.

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