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Posts posted by marie

  1. who writes a resume?

    i have one written and update it whenever i have something to add which takes hardly any time

    okay edit: i hate hate hate writing cover letters. when the file sits for 2-3 years on my computer and I read back on it, it just feels too dated, imo. not so much the resume.

  2. ^Lab: I'm watchin Gandhi right now. Thats wassup.

    on an unrelated note: I'm gonna be really pissed if my schedule doesn't come through in time for registration. I wanna take all these motherfuckin classes so when I transfer, I have something to work off of in terms of wherever I go. This semesters gen-ed bullshit was a pain in the ass and I did the goddamn work, well, and I wanna be rewarded by getting the classes I wanted, figuring out a course of action, getting my transfer apps done and going somewhere where I can actually do the things I want and enjoy my surroundings. Fuck.

    /end rant

    school is all you ever seem to talk about.

    you ok ? :(

  3. 1. the retarded drunk friend who can't do anything for herself 3 drinks in .. it is at this moment I question our friendship.

    2. the crazy ex who thinks it's a completely appropriate time to rekindle the shitty relationship you had 4 years ago

    3. the LOUD girl who ends up bleeding somehow and makes sure that everyone knows

    4. the guy who changes the song after 45 seconds of listening to it

    5. sluts

  4. youre supposed to go with her to the sex shop and pick it out...its much more fun this way.


    although this can turn into a bad situation really, really fast. FEELINGS CAN BE HURT IF YOUR MAN HAS A TINY D

  5. I just found out some fairly awful news and I'm not even really upset. Im going out and drinking tonight anyway, which will either be totes fine or end up with me in a sobby drunk heap in an alley somewhere while my friends try and find me

    did you nkwo we are the same person ????@

  6. the super nice girl that works there told me they'd be getting new a77 stuff in beginning of october, first week or so.

    right now they have zebra print joeys for 100 dorrar, but only in 2 sizes...28 and something else.

    ESTHER !!

    they had some okay things there a couple weeks ago, getting rid of everything for pretty cheap. i picked up the last 27 in the joey overdrives for only 100.

    cheap mondays were on for 40 .....

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