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Posts posted by Creme

  1. fuck it, i live in the bay area, the JC i go to is a joke. bunch of old vietnamese people. definitely don't go to de anza that really is a continuation of high school, and that's what i wanted to avoid entirely. it is boring, it's not hard to make friends but use it to like what they said above, higher your GPA and join bullshit clubs

    Guess I can cross out Mission and De Anza...That leaves Ohlone or going straight to SJSU.

  2. 1] Monster - What can I say? I watched 20 episodes a day. It made me ditch all my plans for a whole week. This anime is so deep and always has you on the edge of your seat. I hold a toy gun while I watch :).

    Two episodes left! Saving it for a rainy day...

    2] Onegai Teacher - LOVED IT. Interesting love story.

    3] Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni - Scary.

    Honorable Mentions:



    Yakitate!! Japan

    EDIT: Wow...I could keep going all day.

  3. my aim conversation with gbc last night.

    had more silent pauses than nosferatu.


    When a couple kisses in front of you and you can't really look away. :(

  4. Q1) The jean brand I usually wear is Levi's and they make inseams at 30(which is still a little too long). I recently bought a pair of Nudie Thin Finn(32) and I am not use to the longer inseam. It bunches up and doesn't stack properly because it's like the inseam has nowhere to go but make it inwards and outwards(hard to explain?).



    Notice at the bottom that the jeans get crazy(inwards and outwards). Is it only a problem with new jeans? Or should I get them hemmed to fit me?

    Q2) Has anyone ever gotten their jeans tapered at a tailor before? How does that work? :confused:

  5. I have teenage man boobs and I've also been benching. Will my boobs turn out to be like D cups or will they flatten out? Also, how many times should I work out the same muscle in the same workout (e.g. if I bench, should I not go back to do pectoral exercises?).

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