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Posts posted by bfan

  1. I agree, this is basic respect


     (take a shot every time I say dominant and gaze and queer)


    common sense it is not-- hence, 'queerness' is dominated by white gay/lesbian folks in the popular media (and even then, it's dominated by white masculinity). I think it's important to cite queer theory when we talk this shit to honor queerness as subject and POV: i.e. 'theory' means way of seeing, 'queer theory' means a 'queer way of seeing, and acknowledging this is important in subverting the dominant straight gaze and keeping queerness a point of resistance and preventing its commodification/hegemonic appropriation.


    but, like, I just made this unnecessarily heavy


    gonna go read the funnies


    when you regurgitate things, does it taste the same as it did going down? and by that I mean puffed up recycled garbage. kind of like cheetos

  2. not a documentary, but legowelt apparently runs this cyberpunk ezine:




    "CYBERSPACE is not facebook, twitter, LinkedIn or your google+ 

    prison which scans every fart you make to sell you more useless stuff you 
    don't need for your consumer selfie "look at me I am so happy" lifestyle.
    CYBERSPACE extends all over the place, lightyears removed from your 
    lolcatz and facebook likes...a transcendental hyperreality matrix
    from seedy little corners only visited by enlightened freaks to an infinite
    world of clandestine knowledge that extends into infinity without CONTROL


  3. slept poorly last night, dreamt I was walking down a dark road with no lights when a car pulls up. suddenly a group of (attractive) females step out in front of me, and even more come out from the car. they move towards me and grab me and I'm thinking it's going to be one of *those* dreams, but instead in dream logic I hear them say they want meat, and try to eat my leg.


    today, my school sends out a police bulletin that at around 3:15 am a dude was jumped and robbed a few blocks away from my apartment. checking my sleep cycle app shows that I should have been entering my 2nd REM cycle around then. I've kind of always believed in the 'collective unconscious' idea but now I'm even more convinced that everything is connected. I remember feeling really worried in my dream that I was walking alone in a dark place late at night, hard to explain but basically it was like I was experiencing some weird form of telepathy


    the cannibalism thing was probably from me eating a lamb shank the other day, and when I finished I looked at the bone and realized it was big enough to be of human origin. then I realized that eating meat raised by the food industry is basically an indirect form of cannibalism, since we produce enough food to feed everyone, but instead give it to animals and throw away the rest. prob not gonna eat red meat anymore

  4. ^ thanks for the heads up, definitely wanna catch that sometime, but it might be rushed on sunday since that's like 2-3 hours. I propose we meet at oddfellows at 2-2:30, kick it in cap hill for a while, then head to trichome, preferably around 4:20

  5. join interest clubs based around some activity, make a couchsurfing account and check out some events, don't be afraid to hang out in social places (bars, clubs) by yourself


    speaking as someone who is facing the same weird problem of not knowing how to make friends in the real world

  6. to be frank, I have been 'depressed' since I was like 12, have gone through the whole existentialist to nihilist to hedonist to buddhist cycle and finally come to a strange synthesis of all of these experiences and only very recently feel much more stable. there's no real 'recipe' for 'getting better', simply because these are only words, and they mean different things to everyone. in my experience, one of the deepest things was feeling disconnected with other individuals on every level possible, and it took a lot of time and energy for me to realize that as cliche as it sounds, separateness is the illusion. 


    one thing I have never used is pharmaceuticals, because much of my depression was founded on a hopelessness towards the institutions which wield power in todays world. the 'aim' of my depression was to unprogram myself from within a defective operating system that forces had conspired to implant in upon my creation. in my opinion, the antidepressant, anti anxiety, etc. medications pumped out by the pharmaceutical industries are really ways to turn yourself into an emotionless zombie, taking the blue pill over the red, so to speak. the brain is a dynamic organ which constantly destroys and creates new connections, your thoughts and behaviors have been shown through epigenetics to actively change your gene expression. so what you think, you actually become*


    I honestly think if you don't get a little sad every now and then in the face of the inevitability of suffering as part of the human experience, you are mildly sociopathic.


    "In an artificial word, only extremists live naturally"



  7. ^ just left town but love the idea of a big event, I've been meaning to pick up some of those wooden joint case things from you guys. been thinking about coppin a pax bloom too but only thing holding me back is the thought of being able to vape on the dl at any given time might not be the best thing for my addictive personality. 

  8. I'm going to a hippie party thing in sodo on sat night, so if I don't make it it's cause I'm ptfo...I'll set an alarm though. if you guys are into electronic music we could do a pre-meetup there lol. also heard good things about the sandwiches at honey hole, I'm down to eat there

  9. there was this big ass spider and for a spider that big it moved hella quick.


    I went to squash it with a paper and when I lifted it up there was nothing there but I didn't see it climb up or drop down from the wall. 




    now i'm hella paranoid its gonna come bite me


    When I was a child, I was sleeping one day and a spider come and bit me thrice on the eyelid



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