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Posts posted by kromophobic

  1. You don't need megapixels for sports photography, or for most PJ work because you won't be printing large. Speed( AF and FPS) is the most important thing.

    If IQ is what you're after, the 5D classic will beat the 7D IMO.

  2. hey guys i need some help here... my red wefts smell nasty cause of a bon fire the other night. I dont want to wash them cause they are about a month and a half in. Any tips to get the smell out?

    wash them. they won't melt, I promise!

  3. is the benefit of hasselblad interchangeable lenses? I know the yashica has lens extensions (wide angle and filters and the such).

    Where does rolleoflex and mamiya fit in there?

    As stated before, Hasselblad lenses ( Zeiss Glass) are incredible. They are also relatively small for an MF SLR.

    I don't have any experience with Rollei or Rolleiflex but from what I hear the TLR's are very good quality, and the lenses, are really good. They come in a few different focal lengths (wide to tele) and are pricey. Rollei makes MF SLRs.

    Mamiya also makes both TLR's and SLR. I don't know much about the TLR's but the SLRs are very good value right now. Look for the RB system with the KL lenses. The only problem with these is they are HUGE beasts and can be a bit heavy to handhold once you throw on prism, back, etc. The advantage is the big 6x7 negative, big viewfinder and the rotating back.

    Bronica also makes several different 6x6 and 6x7 MF setups that are relatively cheap nowadays. I don't know much about them though...

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