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Two-Headed Boy

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Posts posted by Two-Headed Boy

  1. well cult can speak for himself but it might merit consideration that there may be people out there who their own reasons for disliking the site, its content or its devoted readership other than the kind of knee-jerk "you sold out" hipsterisms espoused above that pretty much define the limited worldview that can make the site's content so uninteresting.

    I understand this, Pitchfork can be dicks, i just agree with them most of the time. just take into consideration the same that there are people who like this site not just because of those "you sold out attitudes", they might just just genuinly agree with their taste.

  2. people have been hating on pitchfork since well before the days when they listed all recent album by alpha order and before you discovered them 3 months ago and started listening to jeff magnum and kayne west and told you it was ok to like justin timberlake and timberland records.

    the only thing you're learning from pitchfork is how to be a 9.3 grade douchebag aka Best New Douchebag

    ok and I'm sure this told you: Ok, I'm not longer aloud to like Kanye and Magnum because Pitchfork likes them. It seems you are influenced by Pitchfork just as much as me. and oh, i like the I was on the I hate Pitchfork band-wangon, before you ever listened to music attitude. Pitchfork isn't a trend, but people professing their hate for it is.

    Ok, shit I am going to stop now because this isn't going to go anywhere. music is about having fun, sorry for bitching @ you guys.

  3. hating pitchfork has been around since about two years after pitchfork started. for all the reasons people have stated, and for people like you that blithely defend it without understanding a. music b. the industry c. history.


    californication was released in 1999, by the way, for everyone talking RHCP business.

    and yeah, i can see that standing the test of time. but if we're going to include 1999 albums, another MAINSTREAM OMG WTF record that is probably going to get a healthy re-evaluation is OMFG ARE U FOR REALZ Korn's Issues. if anyone remembers the amount of airplay all the singles off of that record got and how for about six months after its release all everyone from hardcore fans to TRL watching teenie-titty-boppers would talk about was "FALLING AWAY FROM ME, FALL-ING A-WAY FROM ME!" then you know what's good.

    Okay you are going to hate me for this. I still think this attitude is of the person who used to like Pitchfork, but then when it became an indie staple and everyone discoverred it went OMGZ HOW CAN I BE INDIE NOW??? I KNOW! LETS ALL PRETEND TO HATE PITCHFORK AND TELL EVERYONE THAT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND US UBER-INDIE PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW ANY MUSIC, HISTORY AND INDUSTRY.

  4. You still don't know shit about music. Now you listen to whatever one single website tells you. Not much different than your friends with the radio listening to RHCP.

    I am not saying I know anything about music. In fact I probably know less than most..

    I just use pitchfork as a source to discover music, not to be some kind of hipster douche. I just find I agree with their taste. I won't listen to something i hate just because pitchfork likes it.

    Hating Pitchfork is the new thing music elitists do. It is the new platform they've made for themselves, to stand on, so they can look down at someone on the internet. Then they post something on their blog. and Pitchfork gave it a 9.0.

  5. Oh fuck off. People will be listening to Californication long after everyone has forgotten who the fuck Jeff Magnum was.

    I may not agree with that, but I wouldn't get condescending about it.

    Not to be condescending..... but you know just because people will remember Californiacation deosn't make it good. Jeff Magnum may be forgotten but that doesn't mean that In The Areoplane isn't one of the greatest albums ever, i am sure lots of great music has been forgotten and lots of crappy stuff remebered

  6. 00'

    Radiohead- Kid A

    The Avalanches- Since I left You

    Modest Mouse- The Moon & Antartica

    Outkast - Stankonia

    Godspeed You! Black Emperor- Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Atenas To The Heavens


    The White Stripes- White Blood Cells

    Jay-Z- The Blueprint

    The Microphones- The Glow Pt. 2


    Interpol- Turn On The Bright Lights

    Wilco- Yankee Foxtrot Hotel

    Spoon- Kill The Moonlight

    The Streets Original Pirate Material


    The Books- The Lemon of Pink

    The Notwist- Neon Golden

    Dizee Rascal- Boy In Da Corner


    Animal Collective- Sung Tongs

    Madvillain- Madvillainy

    Davendra Barnheart- Rejoicing In The Hands


    Sufjan Stevens- Illonois

    Kanye West- Late Registrarion

    Art Brut- Bang, Bang Rock & Roll


    The Knife- Silent Shout

    Joanna Newsom- YS

    Ghostface Killah- Fishscale

    TV On The Radio- Return To Cookie Mountain


    Panda Bear- Person Pitch

    M.I.A.- Kalla

    LCD Soundsystem- Sound Of Silver

    ok im done those are the ones i think will endure the times :)

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