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Posts posted by Eastsider

  1. theres been like 3 people from singapore saying that it took their order a super long time to process.. Im not sure though. just observing

    are they as long as mine? :rolleyes:

  2. one of the online guy that was doing an mass order , had placed order apc.fr on 17/06/08

    till now , which is the 19th day , it has yet to processed.

    i am wondering anyone face the same experience waiting this long?!

    i'm from singapore.

  3. I placed an order on the 26th and today I got confirmation that it shipped. im in the EU though so YMMV. It is also sales time so they are probably slower than usual.

    how is it going? have it reached yet? :D

  4. I placed an order on the 26th and today I got confirmation that it shipped. im in the EU though so YMMV. It is also sales time so they are probably slower than usual.

    :( , can't wait..

    do let me know when it reach ur hands :D

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