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Posts posted by wrong_move

  1. I'm sick of slipping and sliding all over the place in my dress shoes when it rains. Which shoe repair shops carry commando soles??


    Something like these or a little thicker would be fine



  2. Can't really recommend any specific skincare products but I can suggest simple habits that may help clear your skin, which involves tweaking your lifestyle and diet as opposed to buying specific products if you live on the cheap like me:


    • Limit your intake or cut out simple/processed sugars and processed carbohydrates altogether from your diet, and that means alcohol high on sugar content as well
    • Limit your intake of wheat products
    • Eat healthy fats, don't be afraid of including butter in your diet (grass-fed butter seems to be the healthier option)
    • I personally use Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion daily, works on my face as well as anywhere else that I have dry skin on, some other brand might be better for you idk
    • Make sure your daily nutrition is on point (eat lots of whole foods and you won't need to take supplements)
    • Vitamin D supplements help if you don't get enough sunlight
    • Sleep enough that you feel rested upon waking up (for me that's at least 6 1/2 hours)
    • Curb your stress levels with a few minutes of meditation or yoga or whatever


    I also straight up stopped using face wash products when I wash my face twice a day, and for the most part my skin has cleared up. At my worst days it's the same as when I was using them, so I'm almost convinced that those products are wasted on me.


    Also trying only cold water when I wash my hair, with shampoo use limited to once or twice a week when my hair is too stinky to be washed only with water. My dandruff seems to be clearing up as well.

  3. If you're near a Gravity Pope, would you not also be near an Arc'teryx store? Unfortunately, I've never seen Veilance pants at the former.


    I live west of the city, and I'm only in once a week, much less in that neighbourhood. So trying on stuff that gets sold out quickly can be a pain

  4. Not very. Feel a bit more akin to raw denim than anything else.


    :(  oh well still hopeful I can fit in them. maybe Gravitypope has them in-store



    prob posted already but




    I wanna cop to flip for some weaboo money at MGSV release $$$

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