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shark jacobs

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Posts posted by shark jacobs

  1. I can't get over that calligraphy signature! its impossible!

    the 'er' at the end of mister and the 'f' and 'om' of freedom are all connected together as one flowing unit

    So this means it had to be written as either Mister F...om, with the om written backwards, and then the 'reed' filled in last

    or maybe the om was written first and then looped back to write the F and er was written backward and the rest as filled in last?

  2. A friend of mine asked his gardener to wear his jeans and the guy killed them within 4 months.

    holy shit that's hilarious

    its like next level sweatshop style

    any entrepreneurs out there wanna invest in my new company? It's gonna be a traditional southeast asian child labourer scheme but with a twist. I'm gonna get the kids to sew the jeans together and then they'll wear them until they're faded.

    There are a few kinks to work out (starving vietnamese kids are all W24 L26, and they can put a pair together in three and a half minutes but it takes months to fade them) but I think the basic plan is solid.

  3. if you're torn between getting a 28 and 30... why don't you try a 29?

    but if you're trying them on I'd recommend just getting the tightest waist you can do up.

  4. washing won't give you sick fades if you don't already have sick fades

    it will quite literally fade your jeans in the sense that they will noticeably lighten colour all over, especially if its your first wash

    but i assume that what you want are contrasts fades, creases and rubbed areas

    once you already have visible fading on your thighs, ass, assorted creases, then washing will increase the contrast of those, but until you actually have visible fades a wash won't do what you want.

  5. probably not. I don't know what kind of repair you're doing, but washing will cause any holes, or rips, or even just areas with the vertical threads worn away (warp? weft? i forget which is which) to get bigger and fray more.

    the only possible exception i can imagine would be if they were unsanforized and hadn't been soaked or washed yet, then you might want to give them a hot soak first so that the repair doesn't do weird distorty things to the repaired area

  6. you want to reduce the leg opening without tapering the rest of the leg?

    you could do a sweatpants style cinch maybe but I don' t think that's what you mean

    to be frank, I don't really know what you mean and I'm not sure you do either

  7. depends on how you want it to fit

    you can size down up to two sizes without much trouble, but if down two is skinnier than you want there's no harm in getting your actual size and wearing a belt when the waist stretches

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