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Posts posted by epic

  1. so for people who asked i am in high school, live in Toronto Canada (the weather is all over the map; freezing winters and humid summers) alot of you guys mentioned suits, but i don't think I'd have the ocassion to wear one. As for my budget. its pretty much dirt cheap, I don't have a job and parents aren't human bank machines. the look I am going for.... well, I just really like indie music, and when ever I go to a concert nobody is dressed like me and nobody stands within a 5 foot radius of me. so skinny jeans....but i am not sure what else I need.

    Hm, I don't think you should dress for the fact that people should not stand 5 foot away but 2 foot away. You should dress for others but the way you dress should coincide with the image you have from yourself and you should dress how you like.

    I know that was not the question, but I had to answer to this 5-foot-radius mention. ;)

  2. I think it depends on the budget you have.

    Maybe u should concentrate on some basics like tee-shirts and some shoes (?, depends on your aimed-at look) and so on and then buy some more expensive pieces.

    This will maybe take u a little forward.

    I think I spend most for jeans and shoes.

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