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Posts posted by Phishphood

  1. Well, whether you should soak again really depends on whether you're happy with the fit right now. I personally think they look quite good. And as for the length of the soak, I've always believed that soaking past forty-five minutes, an hour is superfluous. If you've got the water nice and hot, all the shrinkage you're going to get should happen within that period. Cheers on a rad fit man.

    I wouldn't say it's superfluous at all, it took several hours and several water changes to get mine down to the tagged inseam of 36". I emailed BiG with some hemming questions and mentioned that after a few hours the inseam was still around 37" and Gordon said that with such heavy denim it often takes a few washes/soaks to really get all the shrinking out of the way

    That said, the fit looks really good already and the inseam isn't that important if you're going to be stacking anyway. I would do another soak either with them on or with something stuck in the waist to get all the shrinkage out of the way

  2. Go to a Mexican store and pick up a bottle of coca cola, they will usually have the original sugar cane instead of corn syrup.

    Glass bottles too, I prefer glass to plastic

    the dopest


    Also good, I used to drink the stuff constantly

  3. yea, you're dad is never going to let you buy it and you're excuse on why friends wouldnt help u is just that-an excuse. If you can't get them, give up.

    that being said, ask gordan if he takes money orders, or get a debit card and open a paypal. you're old enough to get a debit without parents permission.

    He does, read the hemming service resumed paragraph


  4. random question because i'm curious....

    for all you shooting film, what's your setup in terms of film format, geat, and film?

    do you develop yourself or bring it to a lab?

    Camera- Nikomat FT2

    Lenses- 50mm f2, 135 mm f3.5

    Film- Kodak Tri X 400

    I'm kinda curious about medium format cameras though, I'd love to try shooting with one

    I develop my own stuff. Here are some of my shots, my scanner sucks though so they look a bit crooked and the quality was raped




  5. dont get them hemmed too much just let them sag out if its ok it would look better imo..

    leave an inch or 2 of those selvedge cause the selvedge part on those bootcuts are only maybe 5 inches from the hem

    The selvedge extends around 10 inches up from the hem, there's no danger of loosing it. I'm only going to hem them 2-2.5 inches

  6. I've seen '71's go for like, $2000. I never said they couldn't be fixer-upper's

    Like I said, you're talking Norlin era there. Not that thats always a bad thing, my dad has a 70s LP that kicks ass, but I'd make sure to play it before buying. Gibsons from that period are really inconsistent

  7. You do realize that Fender amps create the greatest clean tones you've ever heard right? With a name like Phishphood you would have to know that Trey uses Fender Twins right?

    Huge generalizations ftl. Blackface twins do sound great, but a fender Frontman has absolutely nothing in common with those designs except cosmetics. Fender Frontmans and Marshall MG's are nothing more thansolid state junk designed to capitalize on their respective companies reputations.

    ...And all Line 6 amps do infact blow. My blown out Squier 15w plugged into my computer speakers has more heart to it than any Line 6 junker. Modeling amps are stupid sounding and PODS should all be thrown into the ocean. The Beatles never used any stupid modeling amps did they? So why do we need them now?

    Dustin Kensure from Thrice uses a Vetta combo and when I saw them it stood up to Teppei's Bassman very nicely. But what does he know, he's only a professional touring musician :rolleyes:

  8. i like how they fit on you pls post pics with shoes/boots on

    Thanks, I'll post new pics once I take them down to soho to get them hemmed

    Good fit on those bootcut Sams down to the knee, but I can't get used to seeing that bootuct.

    I'm used to bootcuts but I'm not too thrilled with these either. The stiffness of the denim tends to make things puff out in odd ways. I'll see how I feel about after the hemming, and hopefully they'll soften up some over time

  9. my entire fucking school has that shirt. Massachusetts has a huge boner for Johnny Cupcakes. Hometown boy making pastry shirts.

    I had no idea it was a Boston thing, all I knew was that it was another stupid looking fad passing through

  10. Line 6 amps blow hard in my opinion. Fender amps are the best. period.

    Doublepost, but I have to say that both of those amps are terrible. An SS fender really isn't much of a fender. The best cheap amps are probably the cubes and vox valvetronix, especially the old blue valvetronix. The Peavey ultra tube amps are also great on a budget

    And not all line 6 amps blow, the upper end stuff like the Vetta's can sound great if tweaked right

  11. behringers are generally shit. if someone is at a musical point where they need the amount of volume a half-stack gives (gigging and such), they should be at a point where they can afford more than a shitty, rip-off, 300 dollar half stack.

    i know exactly what you mean about the mids, i've heard that problem with a lot of behringers. not all of them, because every model is made from the shittiest scrap-heap parts and you never really know what you're getting.

    i have had some great experiences with their bass amps though, but i think i just got lucky. played the same model, different unit a couple of days later and it sounded horrible.

    in other news, i'm buying a boss rc-2 loop station pedal later today.

    lol behringer is a joke. You seen their new line Bugera? Everything is a blatant peavey clone, its amazing that they get away with it

  12. Here's my guitars

    Fender Eric Johnson Stratocaster


    Ibanez RG 8270 j custom


    My current amp is a Carvin Legacy, but I'm looking to replace that with an Egnater in the future, or possibly a Bogner

    i'm considering if i have money available to blow after this summer (i'm stashing a good portion for school next year) to buy a vintage Gibson. I'm thinking an SG in olympic white? maybe a SG Special? I own an SG Classic right now (2005 issue) and it needs some work, but I'd kill for a vintage gibson

    I may just get a cab instead. Vintage Gibby is gonna run me real broke, real fast.

    I should refinish my guitar in olympic white... would be so great.

    What do you mean by "vintage"? A pre Norlin SG could easily cost $20,000

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