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Posts posted by sixsixtie

  1. I went true to size with my lot 11 710s. perfect fit everywhere, don't wear a belt with them. and i'm on the skinny side, so you needn't size down unless you're REALLY skinny.

    edit -- took two or three hot washes to shrink them down, though.

    edit 2 -- i found some pictures for reference. in order, they are raw/presoak, then after hot wash hot dry, then after hot wash hot dry #2.

    Good looking fit +rep

  2. how are these different than the other jin models i think its the 110xj's?

    TBH I don't even know.

    Only thing that I can see is the lack of rear built in belt thingy. But don't quote me on that. I don't speak japanese so don't really know.

    I'll get measurements tomorrow.

  3. I bought these just a week ago. I soaked them twice and the fit just isn't right for me. These are awesome jeans I am going to buy a size down.

    I wore them one time for about half a day. I'd keep them but I'm going to commit to them for an entire year so I don't want to settle for a fit that I don't love.

    My loss is your gain. I just paid $260 and I'll let them go for $210 anywhere in North America.

    Now for some pics.

    Samurai Official pics




    Can take more on request.

    I've already ordered the 32s so help a brother out!!!

  4. I think I'm going to sell the 1040x Jins if anyone is interested in some size 33s.

    I want to size down. The fit isn't perfect for me and if I'm going to dedicate another year of my life I don't want to settle. So if anyone 33-34 is interested PM me. I soaked them twice and only wore them for like a half of a day.

  5. What do we have here?



    Self timer shot ended up being pretty funny, Camera decided to focus on the couch where my old pair was. So those are in focus and I'm not. Oh well just quick pre soak shots.


    I think they'll end up fitting pretty well. Not quite as fitted as my 5000vxes but I'm not sure I could get into a pair of 32s. These 33s I can barely button up as it is so once they soak its gonna be a painful stretch.

    Looking forward to it. I may just start mixing them in with My 5000vxes then in like 3 months of everyother day wear just got hard on them for a long while.

    Oh and I promise better post soak shots.

    also ended up costing me nothing from customs. I asked them to mark it down on the box.

  6. Ok guys here it is. 365 days 365 wears.

    Four soaks, four washes.

    Figure I am going to go at least a few more months. Not really sure what my next pair will be. If you have any ideas shoot.

    Gonna apologize in advance for so many pictures. But hey its the a year and I won't be posting them for a while after this.


    First pics I have.


    Fit Pic from a month or so ago.


    Hurr 365 days today


    Left pocket




    Front Shot


    Alright thats it for now I guess. In a few more months when they're really trashed I'll post em up again. I'm sure you're sick of looking at 'em :P

    Obv crossposted from sams.

  7. Ok guys here it is. 365 days 365 wears.

    Four soaks, four washes.

    Figure I am going to go at least a few more months. Not really sure what my next pair will be. If you have any ideas shoot.

    Gonna apologize in advance for so many pictures. But hey its the a year and I won't be posting them for a while after this.


    First pics I have.


    Fit Pic from a month or so ago.


    Hurr 365 days today


    Left pocket




    Front Shot


    Alright thats it for now I guess. In a few more months when they're really trashed I'll post em up again. I'm sure you're sick of looking at 'em :P

  8. Stacking is intense on those I love the hidden arcs.

    The hidden arcs are crazy because they are the exact opposite of the normal arcs.

    With the normal arcs as the jeans get older the arcs pretty much fall off and disappear and with the hidden arcs the older they get the more pronounced they are.

  9. sixsixtie - incredible man, just amazing.

    have you needed to repair them at all?

    they look tough enough to go another year.

    No, no major repairs thus far. Did a few stitches in the crotch just to keep the seems from coming apart but the denim hasn't ripped at all. Will probably need a patch in the next 2-3 months. We'll see I guess.

    sixsixtie: nice work there. Have you noticed if the top button is a little loose because mine are?

    My top button actually popped off about 2 weeks in. I hammered it back on and its been loose ever since, though its never came off.

  10. Bought a new lens the 35mm 1.8

    So took some 11 month pics anyhow.

    3 wash 3 soak as far as I remember

    Samurai 5000vx 21oz 11 months Erry single day wear.





    Year birthday bash coming up soon!

  11. Lol it was the strap that screwed me. I put it down on my BBQ and then went to grab it. The strap hooked on something and pulled it right out of my hand and that was that.

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