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Posts posted by thecrisisofimperialorder

  1. He sized up because of personal preference, If you wear size 30 then I suggest you to wear size 30. Unless you like to have little roomy on your jeans.

    The Back pocket....no rush...I will try to released the new arc design by tonight. Therefore you can have an options.

    Dude Conie, you are seriously awesome. I can't believe your making new arcs for this contest jean. Damn, I can't wait to see!! I might have to wait to put my order in then to see the new arcs.

  2. Even though Conie said he's making new arcs, I think it's a little too late to change it and put his new design into the contest denim.

    The contest denim looks good nonetheless. Conie, so I noticed the Massa Model for the contest pair sized up two, why?

  3. I can do blank back pocket for you, but right now I am developing a new arcs, it will released soon.

    Black Denim with Black Selvedge 14oz Sanforized is on its way, But I will not put it on the cutting table after this contest production has been done.

    New Arcs for the contest jeans?

    I'm curious to see what the final product is before I purchase.

    edit: It'd be pretty cool if you made a backpocket like Samurai where the more you wear it the more the arcs show.

  4. yeah, i've been doing the same for a few...

    i didn't know i was dealing with 5 year olds though.

    The problem you are doing is defending yourself and calling people names.

    I guess I did something wrong in my post which I should learn from but apparently I don't know what that was.

  5. Yes, which is what I'm doing. Wasn't making fun of you. I am asking why I got neg repped from some people. The only things I did wrong was ask someone a few annoying questions and then the rest might be that when 78 asked for writers I thought he meant literally writers.

    Other than that, I've been keeping my cool and not causing trouble like starting new threads about what raw denim is.

  6. Lol, it's funny that all of the people who got negative repped are now trying to justify themselves.

    To Casual_coal, may I ask what I did that you did not like? I don't believe I ever posted in your thread with something stupid or irrelevant? Hell, I didn't even know that I did anything wrong till I peeped this thread? Explain to me?

  7. Terms

    -No Flakers. If you need to check my legitness, I have feedback in which I can provide to you.

    -Shipping is 5$ including delivery confirmation in the US. International shipping is more. I calculated international shipping to New Zealand and it was 23$ as a reference.

    -All Tees are in VNDS Condition and worn once and washed once, unless otherwise noted

    -Payment options Money Order or Concealed cash.

    -All prices are negotiable



    Triumvir Ronald McDonald Tee sz M 10$+shipping


    Stussy New York Liberty Tee sz M 10$+shipping


    Franco Shade Tee sz M 15$+shipping


    Stussy All over Print sz M 10$+shipping


    Stussy All over Print sz M 10$+shipping


    Diamond Get Your Shine on LA sz S NWT 20$ +shipping


    Stussy Skull Tee sz M 10$+shipping


    Nike "Just Do It" Tee sz M 15$+shipping

  8. Yeah, these are all great questions.

    I'm pretty sure the model is cut after the trainer model (which is modeled after the Flathead 3001).

    As for the 25 contestants, I stumbled onto the La Deluxe site and Conie mentioned there being 25 contestants

    Great questions that I hope Conie could fill us in with:

    1) Definite Fit Pics

    2) Sizing: What size should we go with for a good fit?

    3) Sanforized or not. Will these jeans also stretch a ton?

    4) Shipping and customs fees; Will you bail us out by marking the items gifts and low value?

    IMO, all very good questions to be asked and answered.

  9. Do you guys think this denim is better than APC? I'm considering joining this contest or buying some APCs but I'm not quite sure about the quality of the denim. Everything looks awesome but with an unknown and new brand, I'm looking to see if any can chime in on some opinions. Thanks guys.

  10. Hi,

    I would love if you could take some fit pics later. That would be great.

    They Evisus on Ebay are 190$ Buy-it-Now or Best Offer. According to this thread, I think I read that he accepts offers lower than the Buy-it-now price.

    Either way, directing me to the site you got them from is good, too. I need to find some more sites with evisu other than BiG, Evisus website, and eBAY.

  11. Thought I would post some pic's of my Collection.

    I've been working on the pair all the way to the left for almost a year.


    you got any fit pics of the jeans on the far right? would you say they are comparable fit to the 0331 fit? I see the same exact pair on ebay in my size right now but not sure what the fit is like. Thanks.

  12. What fit would the S-000 denim be compared to in other brands? Nudie Thin Finn?

    Please help me out; I am purchasing these jeans soon from a proxy and need to see if they will fit wtih the cut I want.


    How about the S-002 fit; just fit like regular levi 501 or like the slimmer cut levi '47 501s?

    Thanks so much to those who can help.

    In addition, if I were to size up on the S-000 fit would the denim just be in a bigger waist or you think I could achieve the fit I want. I want a slim-straight fit but nothing too tight like Nudie Slim Kim or Thin Finn.

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