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Posts posted by redshirt

  1. yeah but if utd continues with this advantage and score on the chances they have, which they must do in games like this they will win

    They will win this hopefully. Fergie will be in hairdryer mode during HT.

    Tevez needs to do better.

    good thing I did not go to the pub to watch. I would have puked there and god know's what...

  2. rice:

    1. get rice

    2. was rice

    3. put as much water to the rice + 0.5 ( 1 cup rice = 1.5 cup water )

    4. bring to a boil, cover (moderate heat)

    5. when boiled, partialy open lid

    6. boil again

    good luck.

  3. Funny enough, I was there the day before it made it's way into this thread. I didn't get a chance to try out the food though. Judging by all the trash and mess my friends made, it must be good.

    On the topic of local designers, is it because of the quality of textiles we have available here? Or does it come down to the plain construction of the garments?

    To be honest the construction is pretty ok for locally made shirt. The textile was obviously different. PS has this very soft silky feel to the fabric. Randy Ortiz's was a tad rough and "elastic".Im lovin the "faux french-cuff" thing the shirt has goin on... The design is pretty good IMHO.

  4. ohh come on.. man im sorry but even inno sotto's shirts even cant compare to uniqlo shirts ( made in china ) sorry but im just being realistic here

    Im sorry but I did not make myelf clear. The cut can be compared to PS. The stiching,design and fabric..... Can't top PS on that.

  5. Seconded, that sounds like a great idea. Nowhere too overly pricey though. I can't cope with SuFu food prices.

    How about local designers? There any that churn out anything worth taking a look at? Im sure there's a few, but it's just abit hard to find.

    Sango! FTW

    Local designers? I have a shirt from Joel Ortiz it's good. Can be like compared to Paul Smith...

    Check out MYTH on greenbelt 5 it's a store of the local designer's RTW line. :D

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